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>> No.57180591 [View]
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It's easy when you have no material desires
>play vidya
>draw hentai
>watch anime
None of these require much money, they all require TIME. The only use I have for money is to buy my TIME back, until then its all just numbers on a screen.

>> No.56858817 [View]
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I am feeling FOMO, here sitting with my 5M stack, but I can't bring myself to buy after a massive green dildo.

>> No.56446675 [View]
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I spent all my 20s pretending to study in college for 8 years while playing video games and masturbating to anime girls the entire time. I deeply regret this, I'm in my 30s now and a min wage cuck khv living with parents. I don't think I will ever recover. If I'd had kids I'd be paying extremely high attention to what they were doing in their 20s instead of just releasing them into the wild to do whatever, but then again having kids in my current state...huh

>> No.56436198 [View]
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This except unironically. I got fed complete bullshit about studying and getting good grades and degrees being the most important thing in life and now I'm in my 30s living with my parents with nothing to my name except 5 figures of debt meanwhile I see zoomer relatives and friends of relatives making bank and driving around with hot gfs. It is soulcrushing and I live every day in shame, haven't left my house in 8 years now because I'm afraid I'll bump into people I used to know.

>> No.56345808 [View]
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>> No.54164532 [View]
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I bought 5M for safekeeping but refuse to buy any more, it has been 9 months and nothing but disaster after disaster. At this point I just consider the money lost.

>> No.54037883 [View]
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I just went all in on dbi, will only DCA BTC from now on unless multiple communities find another gem. I'm sick of dealing with shitcoins.

>> No.52764892 [View]
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I also work as a SWE and live with my parents but I draw my own anime waifus and then fall in love with pixels and spend no money on it, I don't know if this is any better or worse than the OF simps.

>> No.52658215 [View]
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So tether is backed by USD which is in turn backed by nothing, this situation is insane already. The FED currently has a reserve ratio of 0.1% (just lol) so can lend out 1000x of the USD it has. Multiply this with tether which is claimed to be backed by USD but they are also running their own fractional reserve bullshit means the entire crypto space is pretty much built on mathematical trickery and fumes and BTC's price can be as high as the people in control of tether/USD want it, hence why both camps calling for $1k BTC or $1M BTC in the future are equally valid because everything is a lie anyway. This world is one huge clusterfuck and I am getting more tired by the day living in it.

>> No.52484204 [View]
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The highest rate of 0.5 of course

>> No.52480556 [View]
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I've got no way to get to 10k either, I can realistically reach 1k in a years time if it crabs here, holy shit I'm so fucking poor. Guess LINK is a rich persons game now

>> No.52443030 [View]
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>WFH software dev
I have never had any meaningful interaction with a girl after high school, I don't even know wtf to do or how to meet anyone and all my attempts to go to social events ended up with me on the side lines and never interacting with anyone. Am I doomed? I am extremely confused and unsure of what I'm living for.

>> No.52439394 [View]
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Because I want to kill myself everyday with traditional career paths. I wanted to be a digital artist but that doesn't pay the bills and I'm now stuck in IT and barely able to fool the people around me that I'm somewhat competent. If my crypto doesn't moon next bullrun I'm probably just going to finally get laid off when the jig is up and then I will end my life.

>> No.52332495 [View]
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I'm in a lowly paid software dev job and suck at it, had to quit my dreams of a career in digital art (fml), at least I have an income now. I'm just socking everything I earn into crypto/stock/pms in the hope that it will free me from this shit while living with my parents. If nothing works I have no idea what I will do and don't have any plans for the future.

>> No.51527717 [View]
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I don't care about any of these things, I just want to leave society behind.

>> No.51439934 [View]
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I'm exhausted, I did the whole l2code meme and after a lot of struggling finally landed my first job 2.5 years ago. It's an underpaid junior position, I know I have to move on soon but I'm just burnt out, I never really enjoyed coding but ended up with no other option after getting psyop'd into getting a useless science degree when I was younger. How do I find the motivation to get myself to do projects and stuff outside of work hours when I'm already drained?

>> No.51242106 [View]
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I only have 1 million, bought in late on this last dip, I keep making the wrong judgement calls on everything I do in crypto and keep fucking myself over

>> No.51009781 [View]
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Still sitting on $10k unrealised loss at the moment, been sitting on this for almost a year

>> No.50930480 [View]
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>past 30
>never had a gf
I don't know what even to do with myself at this point.

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