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>> No.27097636 [View]
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>> No.18919277 [View]
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>White people are to Jews what niggers are to white people.
lmao this couldnt be less true

>People love in others the qualities they would like to have but do not actually have in any great degree; so also we hate in others only what we do not wish to be, and not withstanding we are partly.

>> No.18430424 [View]
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>What's the point of 401k's ??

>Why would I want to willingly give my money to some retard that'll invest it into meme companies like WeWork, Uber, Twitter etc?

So you can have a (((professional))) money manager extract rent from you for a mathematical inevitability. The dollar value goes down, the stock market goes up, the middle men make money because people cant see the illusion.


>> No.18366658 [View]
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reminder to do what you love. if you are an empty husk who loves nothing then just gamble on stocks and coins. NEVER EVER stopp to being a wagie it's never worth it.
t. wagecuck going insane. I'm gonna quit this month.

>> No.18306327 [View]
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imagine if society could function with only the essential workers working

>> No.17978142 [View]
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>> No.17553565 [View]
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>> No.17524150 [View]
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I agree

You do realize jews are literally trying to enslave humanity through economic subversion, right? Youre over here crying about "socialists" like a fox news drone.

>> No.16997101 [View]
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>a jew makes millions of dollars off of the labors of goys through banking, interest collection, passive income, film and television, internet ad revenue, and nepotism. Why aren't you?

>> No.16974336 [View]
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>but bitcoin is like digital gold, its a store of value
Youre a retard. Gold was used for money because it was rare, easily transferable, easily mintable into coinage, and didnt lose volume when melted into said coinage. Silver also has these properties. Aside from these two metals, there arent many that hold the same balance of scarcity and fungibility. So why doesnt bitcoin have those properties? Well, it does. You can trade 100millionths of a bitcoin, its a finite supply, and it cant be transferred to anyone with a computer. Great. Same goes for litecoin, same goes for xrp, same goes for dogecoin, same goes for literally anyerc-20 you want to make that has these same properties. Bitcoins wont be valuable because they dont add any inherent value. The idea of a blockchain, a distributed immuatable ledger that creates digital scarcity, was undoubtedly genius, and it will change the world as we know it. Bitcoin was the first, and is the most well known use of this genius invention to date, but were just getting started. If you think money = value, you will be burned and left bag holding. The only real function of money is that its a medium of an exchange. Its a way to translate one thing of value, into another thing of value. The money itself is not the value. Blockchains will create unprecedented value in our world, in places and ways we never imagined possible prior to this genius invention, but dont be left bagholding because you thought “money” was where the value is.

>> No.16948111 [View]
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This is now a henry ford appreciation thread

>> No.16893111 [View]
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>nazi lunatics

>> No.16858650 [View]
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Except this is actually the NWO coin and original symbolic coin the elite have used. They fucking love symbolism because they love fucking with those with high IQ who remember and recognize said symbology. Unironically sergey is controlled opposition by the elite using symbology to PSYOP this entire board into believing they actually got (((their))) coin. Except the truth is they don’t want you fuckers to latch onto the real golden wagon that rides off into paradise, they want you to latch onto the gold plated wagon that falls a cliff to your death. All apart of the plan, they have the autists right where they want them.

>> No.16857316 [View]
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>is he just being subversive?
>names the jew

>> No.16819643 [View]
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>What in the absolute fuck happened to society?

>> No.16569258 [View]
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>lifestyle shoots up exponentially
>cmon guys look at all this cool stuff you have
>technology wouldnt have progressed if we didnt devalue the dollar

>> No.16435407 [View]
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oy vey

>> No.16280951 [View]
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>> No.16255607 [View]
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I’ll just leave this here

>> No.16155759 [View]
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They’re focused on getting money. Subtle distinction I know Weimin, but one worth noting

>> No.16114344 [View]
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>> No.16068274 [View]
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>This system is made so the weak DO die, idiot.
Im glad those in demand skills janice in hr displays are allowing her to supplement her welfare so she can get her nails done on thursdays and still afford her monthly payments on her mercedes.

>Republicans want to get rid of social programs too making that even more apparent.
muh republicans

The main problem is our determinations of "value" has been completely obliterated by jews. The problem with your argument is that youre trying to blame capitalism for problems the fed caused, capitalism has nothing to do with the "debt slaves" youre talking about.

>> No.16034734 [View]
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Become passionate about your craft and make something beneficial to society
Also fuck kikes and niggers

>> No.16009272 [View]
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pic related

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