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>> No.58455655 [View]
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>> No.58186313 [View]
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I merged some of my drs accounts last quarter
Really sorry guys, won’t do this again

>> No.58145982 [View]
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>> No.58066097 [View]
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It hurts. It hurts so much. Everyday it hurts. I’ve invested 100% of everything I have in GameStop stock. With the recent drs book unveiling, I get the feeling we are going to have to wait until next earnings to “try again” with igniting the MOASS. But TPTB weasel their way around shit every time.
We have the lowest in volume in history, and on earnings we had 60 million. GME is REAL. The fuckery is REAL. But I can’t do anything but try to make it throw another miserable day of my worthless, loser life, while I wait for MOASS. And it hurts bros.
The man who I was when I bought GME is dead. The man who will MOASS is not the man who not all in. This entire experience has changed me. The waiting has sapped me of my spirit. When MOASS finally, finally, finally happens, im going to buy land on the northern coast of Alaska and never interact with humanity ever again.
Just let the MOASS happen so I can get off this ride. Every day is bullshit with a fake market and it hurts to watch this boring shit continue

>> No.57817651 [View]
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>net change in cash on hand: $1,603
(all numbers in millions)
>the previous quarter cash flows were positively impacted predominantly from the disposition of securities, including a large stake in NVDA
>in light of these transactions and positive yearly earnings, the GameStop board of directors is pleased to announce a one time special cash dividend of $3.46 per share
>power to the players
Sasuga hedgeggots

>> No.57673389 [View]
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pay up chud

>> No.57315753 [DELETED]  [View]
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Thanks for your compassion fren, if you want to walk the talk, you can feel free to send me some monies, to help a poorbro who struggle with his heat bills.

>> No.57192803 [View]
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It isn't fair, he cheated.
Where in the rulebook are the totally not bailouts for banks.

>> No.57125847 [View]
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alright now see here

>> No.56870876 [View]
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Also i wanted to tell you about my latest ancient coins acquisitions, i thought i did great, but now i feel like i got scammed lol. Where are mu 10€ chunky silver babylocoins? Why all i find is late roman, aids-ridden copper coins for 800 gazillions poorbux?

>> No.56809137 [View]
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I haven't seen sub $14 gas fees, how can you cucks live with yourselves knowing some chink miner is getting rich off of your investment choices
I'm a LINK holder, I don't pay you, you pay ME

>> No.56806719 [View]
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So im a bit lost, what is the connection between aile and the "distraction peddling, welfare collecting, skeet shooting retard". I havent been here in like 10 months so im out of the loop.

I am already very aware Aile is obsessed with baking. Aile is aware Aile is obsessed with baking.

>> No.56750043 [View]
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Guys...help... I can't stop cringing, last year at Thanksgiving I was laughing at family members and I told them I would be rich by next Thanksgiving. Well its next Thanksgiving and I'm not rich, my family is all asking how gamestop is doing. I don't know what to say or do. I just want to leave, fuck my life.

>> No.56716583 [View]
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>We are days away from moass, I dont think anyone has really understood this.
This is cope. I have all but given up
>RC tweeted a 20/40 week old baby exactly a little over 20 weeks ago, tomorrow is labor day...
Today is labor day, and this is schizo
>In the Gmerica NFTs there are subtle hints at moass like a countdown timer showing T-00, rockets launching, and 3rd quarter moon phases
More schizo ravings
>News about Arnal the Bobby CFO
This is sus, maybe the biggest news we've had all year
>Chinese economy is collapsing in literally days
Been hearing this for months
>Fed just started dumping MBSs Friday
About time, they take a few months to show up. I think they actually started selling a few weeks ago.
>10Y broke out of its 40 year down trend
This is indicative of a recession
>Fed is telling people to buckle up, and there will be casulties
Source? I've only seen them trying to paint everything as fine
>Bond market is collapsing
>50% of GME is DRSed and growing rapidly
It's growing fairly linearly, which is good but still a long way to go
>Sept 1st the ISDA Phase 6 went into affect
Literally what?
>Shitadel has been borrowing money left and right, and their lifelines are running out
>Kenny moved to Florida, then leveled 3 of his homes to build 1 mansion for his mother. He did this to protect his wealth. So he knows somethings coming for him
>Shitadel's bonds were just downgraded to 1 category above junk bonds
These are bussin
>Gamestop is doing something with Gmerica
Believe it when ibsee it, for now it's a jpeg shop that no one cares about
>Ryan Cohen is doing something with bobby stock, and/or buy buy baby
Kek, check the price, he rugged them
>Gamestop has yet to officially release the marketplace
More jpeg hopium
>IMX has yet to bring their games to the marketplace
Indie shovelware no one cares about
>Plus many other things, somethings brewing and we're teetering on moass any day
Again, I've heard this for two years

>> No.56688433 [View]
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WAGMI soon? I'm not handling the return to the wagie dungeon very well, especially after 3 years of remote work. Why do companies have to be so cruel? A sperg like me was never cut out for playing this stupid rat race game. MOASS needs to happen so I can fuck off and enjoy peace and solitude

>> No.56680701 [View]
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Guys I'm seriously in the shit. The love of my life is literally so pissed off with me right now. Throughout all of 21-22 I was reading out all of the DD to her, I sounded like a cringe Redditor but she went along with it because she (like I) was so convinced by it all.
Long story short we put our savings in, went without vacations, cut back on xmas and birthdays. We went in really hard at 180, we tried lowering her average, and we've still only got 2000 or so shares. We've probs got about 70k in this thing at this point. All week she's been super pissed at me, crying, swearing, I've never seen her so incensed. She's gone to stay at her sisters who fucking hates me, and the sister is now convincing her to sell her half of the shares as she thinks it's going to continue tanking. I'm fairly certain my gf is going to leave me. WTF should I do?

>> No.56671998 [View]
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This is fucking bullshit. I can’t wait all fucking year and today makes me think it’s gonna be fucking September or some shit before the moon happens and the market crashes. I can’t wait all year. I need to buy a home this summer. I need to build a home gym this summer. I need to get a dog this summer. I quit my wagie job last December and have been riding GameStop since January. It was never told to me this could take so long. AND ITS ANOTHER DAY OF CRAB. If this goes on until June then I have to get a wagie job at a factory or some bullshit that makes decent money. I hate my shitty apartment. I hate tfw no gf. I hate my life and GME is supposed to save me from my poor existence AND IT’S FUCKING CRABBING AGAIN. I DONT WANT TO GO BACK TO WAGING I DONT WANT TO STAY POOR FOREVER. I CANT WAIT FOREVER WHY WONT THEY JUST LET THIS FUCKING MOON ALREADY

>> No.56499337 [View]
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Have you guys seen Dumb Money yet? I just went to see it. It was actually better than I thought! I vaguely remember the short squeeze when it happened during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, but I wasn't really paying attention then. It seems like a lot happened! Seeing the saga on the big screen was so surreal. I think they definitely did justice to the historic events of January 2021. Just the sheer scale of the crime, manipulation, greed that was involved... I'm really glad that, in the end, retail traders prevailed against the shorts and that AMC/GameStop remain in business to this very day, three years later. Hedgies will think twice before messing with the apes ever again!

>> No.56455639 [View]
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Hey... I do business...

>> No.56408381 [View]
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I told my entire family we would be billionaires and now I'm ashamed to see them. Thanksgiving will be hell this year

>> No.56380445 [View]
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We literally pumped on fake news

>> No.56373215 [View]
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Just make it happen, Ryan. That's all I'm asking. You have a fiduciary responsibility to protect shareholders. Do it soon please. Enough with the kid's books and distraction stocks. Enough assassinating CFOs. It's time to end this.

>> No.55958399 [View]
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Alright, who pooped on oil while I was out getting milk eggs and sunnyd?

>> No.55859281 [View]
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your rent is due, wagie

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