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>> No.58601044 [View]
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Perfect example what I'm talking about. Extremely Reddit post, indistinguishable from some libtard funded NGO spewing retarded NPR tier slop. This is what 4chan has come to? Absolutely pathetic.

X is unironically a more fun place to post with more interesting opinions than the trite garbage takes you see posted here.

>I saw how he hurt people with Covid
>I sat down at the table with my wife and we filled out our ballots together
>I'm worth seven figures and I vote straight Democrat
>But the common good is worth a little more than a few extra regulations on Bitcoin and Ethereum

I am keking so hard. This has to be a troll post.

OP is clearly bait, I'm not replying to the OP post in particular. My post is about 4chan in general, and clearly struck a chord with your faggot littledick brain.

>umm we're going to put your guy in prison :^)

this is the best strategy you people have, and it will only embolden Trump supporters further. I hope they do throw him in prison, let's see what happens

>> No.58031413 [View]
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a dip down to like $40K (or lower?) would be hilarious. Would shake out an insane amount of normies, and probably permanently. Also alts are about to be fucking decimated with any major dip since a majority barely pumped with this last bull cycle

it's about to get bloody

>> No.57497310 [View]
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lol, "fitting in" in Chicago/NYC/LA/Miami is about the most NPC normoid thing you could possibly ever do. Repulsively normal and sterile

>> No.57482225 [View]
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Yeah bud, I'm obviously a lawyer, but the point was to purposely use "I'm 'in law'" as a way of distinguishing my field of employment from OP's (and therefore to take my post with a grain of salt)

>"but I'm a lawyer"

makes it sound more like I'm giving some sort of legal advice about writing a resume. Your writing skills are subpar at best, also you're a fucking retard and obnoxiously overcritical so I have no doubt you're an actual (shitty) lawyer and a worse human being

>> No.57002091 [View]
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you should join the rest of the troons and literally kill yourself, you disgusting freak

>> No.56783733 [View]
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fucking kek. Even assuming that's true (it's not), then what you have is increased competition amongst the (apparently infinite, in your scenarios) low-skilled jobs. Of course this means lower, stagnant wages for these jobs.

Nothing about infinite illegal immigrants is appealing for lower-to-middle class white people. It leads to crabs-in-a-bucket mentality and stagnant wages for jobs that should've seen huge wages increases in the past couple of decades. All sorts of jobs and unions that could've led to increasing class solidarity amongst lower and middle class white people have been infiltrated and fucked raw by insane mass illegal immigration. Obviously this was always the point, but the beauty and genius of it all was getting the LEFT to promote it. Theoretically the libertarian nutjobs should be promoting mass immigration, but instead you have trannoids and lisp-having school teachers longhousing us about the beauty of infinite shitskins flooding our borders and cities.

>> No.52522716 [View]
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schizo post

>> No.51126165 [View]
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Russia is doing a masterful job calling yurop's bluff, it'll be a long winter for yuropoors

>> No.50644630 [View]
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>misses the bigger picture

Yeah I'm sure the fucking savant obsessed with the market and who literally predicted the future using the "bigger picture" is currently missing the "bigger picture" while the permabulls who have been high on fucking fumes for the last decade + are the ones truly seeing the bigger picture.

I'm assuming you're less than 30 years old and have no real concept of how long these things take, or how they unravel. How old were you in 2008? If you were sentient then, and you've seen the Big Short, and you're not a fucking retard, then give me some real, useful intelligent reasoning for thinking Burry is wrong. I'd love to hear it.

>> No.49616675 [View]
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the new cope is that he's doing it on purpose, controlled demolition of the country and current economy so certain people can stay in power

could be true but I think this administration is also just negligently retarded. They're so fucking stupid it's unreal

>> No.49372145 [View]
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>dude it would've been worse trust me

You literally can't prove or disprove this, just a total fucking cope argument. They elected this fucking demented geriatric because they honestly believed he would improve the country which is objectively not happening.
The faster you come to terms that you and millions of other midwits fucked up the better.

>> No.29940736 [View]
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No. People like you aren't interested in the truth and are disingenuous in your arguments.

Plus I've looked through a few of your schizo posts and you're posting FUD that was proven incorrect and/or fixed literally YEARS ago. Example being the Tom Scott tweets. You're not trying to have a real argument or learn anything; you're going to spam the same retarded schizo shit hoping to get people angry and engage with your bullshit.

Literally put a bullet in your brain, schizo.

>> No.28250043 [View]
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>BAT failing to surpass 50 cents
>will plummet back down to 20 cents soon

and with this limp-dick pump, a new generation of BAT bagholders is born.

>> No.19251897 [View]
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quintessentially based and Christpilled


>> No.18668157 [View]
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Fed needs to start printing money STRAIGHT into my savings account, or this whole ponzi scheme is going to go bust.

Make it so, Jerome.

>> No.17679407 [View]
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Im working out right now

>> No.17306823 [View]
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>be autistic
>the only jobs I cna get are call center jobs
Is this some circle of hell?

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