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>> No.30412365 [View]
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>can the likes of GMAX stop lying about how cryptocurrency is suppose to work

Never going to happen, senpai.

>> No.29180204 [View]
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/biz/ supports BTC, which is to say /biz/ supports Lightning. Lightning is literally a banking intermediary required for payments because BTC fees and transaction times are insane. Transactions were made this way on purpose to keep the rigged Western financial system in control.

/biz/ doesn't give a FUCK about ending the current system.

>> No.19291937 [View]
File: 154 KB, 1024x566, blockstreamlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.
Faggots like >>19291568 are clueless and probably weren't around back then when everyone into bitcoin knew that as a matter of course the block size cap would be raised as needed. Then 2015 rolls around and Gmax and his merry band of sockpuppets, as well as other assorted core kikes use every dirty trick in the book - censorship, deplatforming and witchhunting - to astroturf their muh store of value digital gold pseudonarrative.
Fuck them all. They managed to derail bitcoin temporarily but in the end history will steamroll them.

>> No.19188597 [View]
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Can't wait for 2017 part two: Electric Boogaloo

>> No.19178953 [View]
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>up a dollar from yesterday

My god, we could see 2017 prices before long now.

>> No.17050940 [View]
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>> No.16847987 [View]
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China wants to sell the highest possible before their New Year dump. You are tools.
Too bad it's not because muh fundamentals or Iran. Nobody cares.

>> No.16835362 [View]
File: 154 KB, 1024x566, 1573012116402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can't go down guys. There's the halvening soon.

>> No.16700871 [View]
File: 154 KB, 1024x566, blockstreamlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up shamson. This is a no cuck zone
>XT Chad

>> No.16630105 [View]
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>both are absolutely awesome and very useful
Segwit is pure technical debt. P2SH basically is too. Both only exist because of removed functionality as a work around and retarded limits on scale which make no sense at all. Well, unless you follow the money.

lmao this shit is so tiresome. No business or industry will ever incorporate your shitcoin. Contemporary powers tried to stop Bitcoin because it beats out current payment and settlement methods, but there is so many more Bitcoin use cases they ignored that make it attractive and after years of stagnation we're finally making progress in that direction.

>> No.16502622 [View]
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Exactly this is a poetically just end to Scamson. Fuck him I hope he never recovers and he gets just a taste of a minute fraction of all the misery and destruction he caused as the rest of his life devolves into a personal hell. May he go down in infamy as part of the troupe of clowns that delayed bitcoin's development for years.

>> No.16410164 [View]
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>No wonder that merchant adoption has been a weak selling point


That use to not be an issue. Thanks Corecucks! It's no matter. Even without BTC completely shitting the bed payments would have still been the low end usecase, at least at first. Transactions on SV are almost entirely push data and the rate of transactions onchain is growing exponentially.

By the time most normalfags are using Bitcoin for payments, it'll have been doing else in the background for years.

>> No.16209892 [View]
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Calvin confirmed Satoshi.

>> No.16156565 [View]
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My SegWit coin is good ok

>> No.16059133 [View]
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>> No.15946705 [View]
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Don't get it twisted. They never failed to understand it. They understand it VERY well. They are saboteurs - their goal from the beginning was to prevent mass adoption and scaling of Bitcoin. And they succeeded to a great extent, except they didn't anticipate that the original Bitcoin protocol would survive through forks and Satoshi would come back take over with the help of US military intelligence. Bitcoin is now a literal national security project to free us from the criminal central banking cartel.

They lost control of Bitcoin with BSV, which is now going to finally scale and fulfill the original vision and boy are they mad about it.

>> No.15911288 [View]
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Bro, if you think that is bad, let me tell you about something called tonal bitcoin...

>> No.15438661 [View]
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better version

>> No.14427742 [View]
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Well said real human #24235. High fees and slow transaction times make it more like gold, which is required for it to be digital store of value gold.

>> No.14338828 [View]
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>using paypal or visa is the same as using Bitcoin

Seriously, guy?

>> No.13909629 [View]
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>> No.13872154 [View]
File: 154 KB, 1024x566, blockstreamlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin checked.
All OGs know that bitcoin was meant to scale with tx fees always kept as low as the market would permit.

>> No.13702840 [View]
File: 154 KB, 1024x566, 1557175530268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that my raspberry pi in the middle supporting the decentralisation of the whole system? Please tell me i am worth something.

>> No.13560496 [View]
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Dunno but i have 120 of em. Within a week he will be showing the addresses that he got coins to and the details of the trust. I feel like this binance, tether stuff is all part of a larger swamp that needs to be drained by the white hats. Based satoshi, Make Crypto Great Again.

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