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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.23957944 [View]
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The crystal ball hums a deep blue. It likes LINK.
>not a pump and dump
>clever use of economic incentives
>might actually achieve something
>price feeds aren't needed
>ari keeps doing his own side projects and is slowly stepping away from link
>sergey won't stop fucking dumping on me

>RLC is a marketplace for idle processing.
Idle processors in the west will not use a decentralised marketplace because their end customers are also centralised. They are almost exclusively research facilities and universities, with the occasional company or large organisation in between. When centralised institutions need a middleman to bridge the gap, they will use other centralised institutions, especially the ones they are already working with. Remember, many large computations are done in a rather caveman style - just taking a hard drive to another university and running it on their machines.

>admits that 20% of the balancer pool is useless
>you can hold it and benefit from it due to the 1% being burnt in continuous trading when pooled
this does not increase the market cap. It only increases the individual token price, as explained. It allows early buyers an exponentially larger share of tokens, meaning they can dump on later buyers exponentially hard.
>so it’s not a asset with no “value”
nothing vie it value except the vain hope that a stupider buyer will come along and buy your bags.
>you do get more value out of it when this does happen making it deflationary.
the buyer does not get more value. Developers and whales who bought low get more value, because they control a greater percentage of the tokens, because you burned some of yours when you bought in.
>i think you need to go back and do some readings PNK is literally the newfag coin on biz
The crystal ball says you are from the third world. It knows this from your poor english and writing style. You have not looked into Kleros.

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