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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.20378207 [View]
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>>constant bleeding in 2018 while having the best discussions on /biz/ (this is the best timeline)

I came in during this time, right as Link as going down to 30 cents around Sibos. This is when I was first introduced to the crypto world and found some topic of people raving about what smart contracts can do for the world and how Ethereum needed Chainlink to connect to the real world so it could reach its potential. I immediately had an epiphany how much I needed smart contracts in my life to not get screwed over by all the employers who never bothered to pay me my dues and decided I needed to put all my money into it, regardless of whether or not it was the next big thing. Because of that topic, I was completely IMMUNE to the FUD and the discussions had every other day only bolstered my confidence in the project further.

It has been a fantastic ride all around and I'm eternally grateful to be apart of something so grand that will benefit the world 1000x fold.

>> No.16744566 [View]
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Splendid! Do line ups all over the world! Yes!

>> No.16563639 [View]
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Given how you've done a good bit a research, I'll spoonfeed you some info.

Bitcoin's value is based on trust and it's usage will surely go up during the incoming recession leading to a higher price. ETH's potential has yet to be released as smart contracts are the future but they haven't gained full adoption. Why hasn't ETH gained full adoption yet? They're waiting on Chainlink.


>> No.16318285 [View]
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Both of you



Then you'll go to this site,



Fundamentals is key. Have fun.

>> No.15983733 [View]
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Read the entirety of this over twice and then go through it. You want an understanding of how you want your nodes set up. You need a minimum of 2, both of them connected to a database and running. One will be using the ETH client, which is the main one, if it goes down, the 2nd immediately picks up from there.

Remember the fundamentals and ask for help on the discord. And once you get your nodes online, practice, practice, practice. Job requests and the whole shebang. It's easy to make a mistake here and you don't want to lose your stinkies.

>> No.15920321 [View]
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Quick and concise

for further research, chainlinkhub.com is your friend.

>> No.15833449 [View]
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Spend the rest of tonight reading through every link posted in there. Fundamentals are key.

>> No.15612845 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.15573245 [View]
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>> No.15561508 [View]
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Dude, there's no pump and dump, it's just price suppression. It would be a pump and dump if Sergey wasn't actively advertising open positions at the company during every event he speaks at.

I don't know how long you've been invested in Link but this has been going on FOR AGES. We even had a marine who sacrificed his own linkies to run bots to battle other whale bots to push the price above $1.00. The reason this happens is because people who understand Link know it's going to make people billionaires but most people who trade don't research on the fundamentals of a project until it starts mooning. So whales trying to keep this project under the down low as long as possible.

I suspect OP is referring to staking, when that takes place, and they start using Chainlink for the derivatives market, the price is going to jump to match prices needed for collateral staking.

So rest assured anon, you're in good hands. And I commend you for speaking out for Journalistic integrity.

>> No.15066134 [View]
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We discussed this anon. Chainlink has first mover advantage and is partnered with too many companies, and among them, too many big wig companies, SWIFT, Google, Oracle, MS. For Google to decide to sack their partnership with Chainlink and make their own oracle platform, they have to convince others, especially THE REST OF THE CRYPTO SPACE to use their tools instead of Chainlink's. What would they have to offer to make people turn back on their investments? They're integrating Chainlink tools into Truffle framework, the biggest Smart contract development tools in the space.

And it's not surprising that companies are trying to buyout Chainlink. But everyone who understands the value of oracles knows that Chainlink is going to be at THE VERY LEAST a trillion dollar valued company, Quadrillion dollar company isn't an impossibility. Chainlink is essentially the internet of blockchain technology and a new world of markets are going to be created. Anyone who thinks any company has a slither of a chance of buying out Chainlink must be wishing for a meteorite to kill of Sergey and Steve and the other heads of Chainlink.

>> No.13467062 [View]
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It means we're gonna make it. So sit back, relax and let the good times roll.

>> No.13025772 [View]
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The thing is, he doesn't tell you what to buy, he just gives you surrounding information regarding the state of the market and other environmental factors. You still have to do the research and learn on your own. He just gives you a direction of where to look, where to focus on.

>Kiyosaki ridicules higher education and wagecucking, the milestones that NEETs aren't able to achieve.
A lot of tech heads ridicule higher education and a lot of entrepreneurs also advocate for you to figure out your own business and stop wage slaving. The latter's reason being that it gives people the wrong idea about life and teaches the wrong skills, most importantly understanding that failure is a necessity and you have to learn to how fail and fail fast and improve. The latter is because they want more entrepreneurs.

>> No.11722593 [View]
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Lemme help you out dear Linkie bro,

- Go to Coinbase or the Crypto.com app
- Open an account to buy coins
- Buy Ethereum currency, Chainlink is on the Etheruem blockchain and it's an ERC-20 Token, you need ETH any which way to do transactions to get it
- Download the Atomic Wallet, it's a cold storage crypto wallet

send your ETH to AW, then search online for the ChainLink token contract address to add the token to your AW wallet. Once you do, exchange ETH for Chainlink. Rinse and repeat till you're comfortable with your stash.


Coinbase slaps you with fees and will hold your bought crypto coins if you used a wire transfer from your bank account. Crypto.com holds your coins for a business day before you get cleared to transfer to your wallet.

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