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>> No.54266308 [View]
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consider this: gamestop is a goodly profitable company

>> No.53973983 [View]
File: 14 KB, 348x348, D66EF428-2D7B-444E-8F07-10EDEBE42F86.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baker, for the next bread, I propose this pic of /our/ guy Kenny >>53973366
With this post right next to it >>53973643
And a giant GME logo on the bottom. I’d do make the image myself but I’m stuck waging and phone posting.

>> No.53002987 [View]
File: 14 KB, 348x348, jkdvnunvbf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not because of crypto. It's because of the shit coins you've been buying. If you spent it all on BTC, it should be like 25k now. If you used it for crypto payments and got 1.5% cashback, you should have even more money as you spent money on the things you needed.

>> No.52910227 [View]
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What do you call a well-executed con by the team to rug holders? Smartcon. Next time, find better projects that merchants, and partners are adopting. Make sure it is one that offers good APY. It should not be too little, else it'll not be worth it, but it should also not be too high, else you'd be rugged. 25% to 35% is alright.

>> No.52812411 [View]
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Stopped using their card when they lowered cashback rates. Went over to Utrust for increasing theirs. It's important that CDC stays afloat, but I'd rather enjoy higher cashback from another platform that already stays afloat without firing any employees.

>> No.52426028 [View]
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>banks will rather take than give Kek
Banks and Cex, are the worse place to keep funds incuding Paypal, I only recommend web3payment platform else you get rekted big time

>> No.51601901 [View]
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Buy 5 Uber cars, and get your money back in a year, I will advise you to get a dealer who accepts crypto payments so you can get cashback.
> I Prefer paying through Utrust

>> No.51539806 [View]
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UTK is a long-term Hold
>Crypto payment is gradually dominating

>> No.51511565 [View]
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ETH will end the year at $3k. Keep your bag, you will appreciate it.

>> No.51492916 [View]
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Don't know how many months or years the bear will take, but accumulating now is worth it at least when the bull run starts,
> Quantum-resistant blockchain will be the next trend for sure

>> No.51286735 [View]
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>5% crypto
List of coins to choose from
The smaller the cap, the larger the potential profit.
L1 L2 blockchain coins are based.

>> No.51269780 [View]
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Should have sold those rubbles and bought bitcoin. You could use the bitcoin for transactions on crypto payment gateways.

>> No.51178135 [View]
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No, I will rather Hold $5000 in QANX

>> No.51154228 [View]
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Borrow crypto from a lending platform.
You are automatically forced to hold the ones you used as collateral.
Use the borrowed one to pay for your kids fees.
Stake the rest and wait for bull market.
Now you can take the profit from the collateral and liquidate the rest. You also earned from staking.
Your wife can finally quit her job, so she loves you more now.

>> No.51131066 [View]
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QANX was the last gem I added last month, I made about 2x on it

>> No.51017779 [DELETED]  [View]
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I read about NIST releasing the 4 post-quantum resistant algorithms, Surprisingly QAN has been using the CRYSTAL DILITHIUM even before the annoucment, it has what it takes to lead

>> No.50932996 [View]
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25 ETH
100 BNB
1.25M QANX
Rest on meme coins and gambling.

This will keep your portfolio growing gradually, without losing too much.

>> No.50817781 [View]
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For fucks sake don't do it anon.
She will still leave your ass afterwards, even before the 5 years is over.

>Buy UTK, stake it on maiar and earn 25% APY. If she is still with you after 5 years, you will have much more to comfortably pay.

>> No.50802575 [View]
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Up to 5% cashback for Just making pay via Utrust, Who would want to miss that?

>> No.50790854 [View]
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QAN Quantum resistant features make it unique, more blockchain better work to be resistant to quantum computer hacks too else they get rekted

>> No.50706071 [View]
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I read about this its a Good tech, PoW isn't Ecosystem friendly but PoR is and it allows mining on mobile phone
>QAN will be the leading blockchain

>> No.50678888 [View]
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Not all is as Dump as you are, freaks are saying QCT wouldn't happen until 2 decades from now, but wise degen can see it happening in less than 5 years,
>More opportunities

>> No.50656635 [View]
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Must you always gamble, its best you Hodl for long term if possible and diversify
> I don't trade, Hold for long term

>> No.50578290 [View]
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Quantum resistant blockchains, but only the wise will understand

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