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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.55803047 [View]
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Depends on the area you want to work in.

Web development? Lmao, good luck earning more than a gas station attendant.

Mobile dev? Still pretty shit.

Enterprise software? Decent

Data science? Still gold imo, and will be for years to come.

Luckily you actually need some math skills for the last one, don't ever need to be worried about code monkeys jumping in and saturating my niche.

>> No.54534250 [View]
File: 33 KB, 365x367, safasdf - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your fault for picking a pleb field.

Data science is the meta, and I was smart enough to see it years ago

> Underlying statistics hasn't changed since I left uni
> WFH most of the time, and leave the office at 4-5 pm when I do go in
> Most of the actual number crunching is a joke to perform if you know what you're doing
> These days I feed the results into chatGPT and get it to draft my first report
> Little chance of it being automated away because midwit businesspeople still need an actual human being to hold their hand and talk them through what the data means
> Meanwhile software engineers have to learn new shit constantly, and obsess over a bug they can't fix until 8pm in the office
> Every other variety of engineer of course earns jack shit

>> No.54522821 [View]
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Be a chad like me and just wait for recruiters to DM on linkedin, ignore most of them until something I like come through.

>> No.54323823 [View]
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Data science jobs are the meta desu

> Barely changes YoY, statistics remains the same as it was back when I learned it in uni
> Mostly automated, literally just click a few buttons and "run the analysis" while I sit on my ass
> Only real work is having to explain shit to people, but chatgpt writes the first draft for my reports
> Meanwhile actual coders have to learn new shit all the time, working till 8pm to find that illusive bug in their code

>> No.53462315 [View]
File: 33 KB, 365x367, sdauighfasogfhdsa - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> relies on statistics, which hasn't meaningfully changed in decades, know no more than the same shit i knew back at uni
> download a load of packages for python and off you go
> chuck data in, tweak for a few mins, run code
> *beep* the analysis is ready
> write a few paras about what this is showing and what is means for the business
> out the door at 5
> C boys still working on debugging until 8pm
> reading up on new features until 10pm

>> No.53137882 [View]
File: 33 KB, 365x367, much smart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You’re full of shit. This is some kind of copy pasta
holy fuck how did you figure that out by yourself?

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