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>> No.7693307 [View]
File: 49 KB, 682x321, 682px-Market_capitalizations_of_cryptocurrencies.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put all your shit into LINK
Lmao, okay then you're retarded, nevermind. I was already going to buy LINK because I think it has potential too but I don't think Ripple is vaporware at all. Have you looked at how many businesses have already partnered with it? And who's investing in it?


Pic is the market cap in January.

I didn't take Ripple believers seriously at first, but it seems to be a genuinely useful technology, and what's more it's pro-establishment. It's not some decentralized anonymous hacker money used to buy heroin on the deep web. It's for businessmen not cyber-hippies. The tech reduces bank operating costs by 30%, and even better the more it's used to transfer money around the world, the higher value the coin will be.

But, we'll see in 2025 or so.

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