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>> No.9132909 [View]
File: 150 KB, 589x515, 98f6i54zqlb01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> pretending that wasn't already debunked
> you're talking a lot therefore you're a shill
super convincing.

>> No.9099016 [View]
File: 150 KB, 589x515, 98f6i54zqlb01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice redditspacing greg, so this is what you meant by "deep protocol work" eh?.

>> No.9077315 [View]
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> That tab idea sounds bad. I don't support it, I think lightning is a much better solution.
*chuckle* You... know that lightning is basically that tabs idea on steroids, right? *sigh*
> You are absolutely wrong there. Buying a crypto is a gamble on the integrity of the dev team. If the devs exit scam, your investment is worthless.
Wow, how can you be active in this space and be this clueless about the nature of the product we're discussing? You can't exit scam a running decentralised cryptocurrency, you exit scam shit tier ICO's that clueless fucks who made political judgements about the dev teams haircuts decided were worth investing in, and they decided they'd rather go to Tahiti and get blown by hula girls so left a website with "penis" written on it for the consideration which those who evaluated their project as worthy of investment were due.
What do you think Roger Ver is going to do, invalidate the nature of SHA256 hashes? Track down every fork that arises in response to anything that has the slightest taint of asshattery involved from people like me who don't give a fuck about personalities and politics and will just fork the chain at the drop of a hat and mine it with our own multi megawatt deployments in order to capitalise on the obvious outcome of everyone else figuring out it was a bad move and getting on board later at massively inflated prices? Or perhaps you think Craig Wright will attend too many conferences and pace back and forward one too many times and spontaneously combust the audience with the fucking static electricity from all that cashmere businessware and low humidity climate controlled office air, and you'll end up liable as a token holder when the SEC allocates a task force to track you down and hold you accountable or something?
Fucking politicians man, hilarious. You do realise that the entire purpose of all of this is to rid civilisation of the opinions and influence of people like you, right?

>> No.9009416 [View]
File: 150 KB, 589x515, 98f6i54zqlb01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit's actually happening pretty much in real time these days.

>> No.8140579 [View]
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>> No.7543881 [View]
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He's coming a long these days or at least it would appear.

>> No.7490493 [View]
File: 150 KB, 589x515, 5_stages_of_cuckoldry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was the first rich guy in crypto and he IS better than you.
Those a objectively true facts.

>> No.7389661 [View]
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>> No.7292800 [View]
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It objectively is the real bitcoin

>> No.7081910 [View]
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Consensus and blind trust in Core (with Blockstream actually leading development). Back in August I was all about Segwit, we all were. Anything to alleviate congestion and I wasn't as well informed on the issue back then.

There is a lot to learn from this event.

>> No.6859700 [View]
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All the hate for BCH is political and unfounded. The propaganda isn't even good, its just that everyone blindly trusted Core. I thought BCH was a joke at the time of the fork and thought Segwit was going to fix things. It wasn't until later I discovered all the problems with Segwit (removing digital signatures from transactions) and its inability to scale. Once I started paying $30 transactions and waiting stupid long lead times I began to see a future in BCH. I was pushed farther into the BCH camp as the arguments from Core supporters were all Shareblue tier character assassinations and literally no technical arguments at all, while BCH supporters do argument technicals, but find themselves talking to walls that only retort "muh Ver" "muh Bcash" or literally arguing to just use fiat...

I don't like this split anymore than anyone else. It sucks that this had to happen, but I'm glad because after the dust has settled the lesson will be not to just defer all to developers as they can have motives not inline with the community. Segwit was the contentious fork, it can't be removed and forever changed the protocol. Just accept it.

>> No.6853674 [View]
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Blocks are sub 10 minutes at the moment because ne hashpower came online.
Dont worry corecuck you will have nice 2$ fees again after next diff. adjustment.

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