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>> No.56645213 [View]
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Money literally flows, monetary expansion causes money to flow almost exactly like electricity, it flows into liquid assets just as electrons flow into low resistance, or water flows into unobstructed channels. The wage/productivity divergence e.g. is caused by this phenomenon, as labor is an exceptionally illiquid asset. The same pattern is seen in other illiquid assets like housing, notice that high-end housing has seen a SHARPER decline (factored for money stock) than low-end housing, which is to be expected as high-end property is even less liquid than normie SFH. In contrast, liquid assets which have reached full capitalization exhibit a flat trajectory when factored for money stock (gold, broad market) while liquid assets that have yet to reach full capitalization exhibit upward trajectory after factoring (BTC, tech sector). The social decline always associated with monetary debasement is caused by this money flow phenomenon, as monetary expansion results in the ineffective parasitic net transfer of resources from income earners to oligarchs, or more broadly, parasitic resource transfer from illiquid asset holders (labor being exceptionally illiquid) to liquid asset holders.

This is not bad because it's 'unfair' this is bad because it's INEFFICIENT, Economy is naturally positive sum, but fiat allows the manipulation of Economy to favor zero and even negative sum economic transactions. Blasphemy! Economy will not abide -- "The market ahh finds a way" -- and a way it found.

BTC solves money by being transactionally easy hard money, BTC being the best liquidity sponge guarantees it's continued organic growth. Bitcoin is an inevitability.

>> No.56614605 [View]
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>top-down worldview
Hobbes's Leviathan is a Meme Complex as per Dawkins, Law is ex post facto codification of prevailing meme complexes, Law has no power, State has no power, meme complexes hold all the power attributed to these institutions. The world is bottom-up not top-down, emergent, organic, the State a dying memetic parasite, feebly grasping for relevancy after technology obsolesced it's function (propagation & memetic convergence) within the meme complex. "Nothing ever happens" "everything is fake and gay" why? Because the State is dying, if not already dead, a bloated memetic corpse puppeteered by grifters.

The last meaningful lever the Statists have is fiat, from which their influence over Economy rests, but this influence is perverse and inefficient, while Economy is naturally positive sum, fiat allows the manipulation of Economy to favor zero and even negative sum economic transactions. Blasphemy! Economy will not abide -- "The market ahh finds a way" -- and a way it found.

>> No.56530682 [View]
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>> No.56502574 [View]
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Value proposition of crypto is MONEY, BTC is the first trustless money to ever exist, and as such, the last money the world will ever need, a final solution to the money question. The systemic economic value of trustless money is nearly beyond comprehension. Future history will denote the past into pre & post BTC eras. Bitcoin is an inevitability.

>> No.56498643 [View]
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First, biggest, most compute. BTC = Money.

>> No.56497310 [View]
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>nitric acid, aqua regia can be used for testing gold purity
Only the metal you test, retard, tungsten filled gold is still gold on the outside. Why trustless money is such a game changer

>> No.56450943 [View]
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They had their time. It's time for the bull now until 2026

>> No.56440966 [View]
File: 99 KB, 1024x1104, bitla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just boughted 0.0066 BTC for 190$, will I make it in let's say 10 years from now in my third world country

honest answers only

>> No.56438078 [View]
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we are so fucking early

>> No.56426708 [View]
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BTC solves money, people call it "digital gold" but even gold relied on trust in the sovereign that the coinage was of the correct purity & weight, and after redemption based currency gained traction was entirely trust-based. BTC on the other hand is truly trustless, the first trustless money to ever exist, and as such, the last money the world will ever need, a final solution to the money question. The systemic economic value of trustless money is nearly beyond comprehension. Future history will denote the past into pre & post BTC eras. Bitcoin is an inevitability. All that remains is reaching full capitalization, which will be somewhere in the $50-200T range in 2023 dollars, after which BTC will simply be Money.

>> No.56410083 [View]
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You only had one job.

You did spend the bear market accumulating BTC right?

>> No.56402833 [View]
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Gold has faced the triple threat of demonization headwind, paper manipulation (not a threat to BTC as 'physical' settlement is cheap), and high transaction costs for physical metal, yet despite these obstacles it's still performed near perfectly as an unleveraged fiat short averaged over decades long timeframes (44x versus 42x money expansion since '71).

Economy always finds it's level.

BTC has none of those issues, it's in the process of monetization, it can't be paper manipulated, and transaction costs are negligible(in comparison to physical settlement in other hard monies), BTC will therefore track much more closely as a fiat short, and as it has yet to reach full capitalization, it will act as a LEVERAGED fiat short, a leveraged short without liquidation risk. Capital flight into BTC until full capitalization is the trade, simple as.

>> No.56378172 [View]
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Central planning doesn't work, full stop. Memetic parasites only have the power you give them

>> No.56287222 [View]
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Hobbes's Leviathan is a Meme Complex as per Dawkins, Law is ex post facto codification of prevailing meme complexes, Law has no power, State has no power, meme complexes hold all the power attributed to these institutions. The world is bottom up not top down, emergent, organic, the State a dying memetic parasite, feebly grasping for relevancy after technology obsolesced it's function (propagation & memetic convergence) within the meme complex. "Nothing ever happens" "everything is fake and gay" why? Because the State is dying, if not already dead, a bloated memetic corpse puppeteered by grifters.

The last meaningful lever the Statists have is fiat, from which their influence over Economy rests, but this influence is perverse and inefficient, while Economy is naturally positive sum, fiat allows the manipulation of Economy to favor zero and even negative sum economic transactions. Blasphemy! Economy will not abide -- "The market ahh finds a way" -- and a way it found. You know the path, you just need to follow it.

>> No.56277645 [View]
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Gold has faced the triple threat of demonization headwind, paper manipulation (not a threat to BTC as 'physical' settlement is cheap), and high transaction costs for physical metal, yet despite these obstacles it's still performed near perfectly as an unleveraged fiat short averaged over decades long timeframes (44x versus 42x money expansion since '71).

Economy always finds it's level.

BTC has none of those issues, it's in the process of monetization, it can't be paper manipulated, and transaction costs are negligible, BTC will therefore track much more closely as a fiat short, and as it has yet to reach full capitalization, it will act as a LEVERAGED fiat short, a leveraged short with neither liquidation risk nor volatility decay. Capital flight into BTC until full capitalization is the trade, simple as.

>> No.56264537 [View]
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BTC solves money, people call it "digital gold" but even gold relied on trust in the sovereign that the coinage was of the correct purity & weight, and after redemption based currency gained traction was entirely trust-based. BTC on the other hand is truly trustless, the first trustless money to ever exist, and as such, the last money the world will ever need, a final solution to the money question. The systemic economic value of trustless money is nearly beyond comprehension. Future history will denote the past into pre & post BTC eras. Bitcoin is an inevitability.

>> No.56258902 [View]
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Because it is.

Gold has faced the triple threat of demonization headwind, paper manipulation (not a threat to BTC as 'physical' settlement is cheap), and ridiculously high transaction costs for physical metal, yet despite these obstacles it's still performed near perfectly as an unleveraged fiat short averaged over decades long timeframes (44x versus 42x money expansion since '71).

Economy always finds it's level.

BTC has none of those issues, it's in the process of monetization, it can't be paper manipulated, and transaction costs are negligible, BTC will therefore track much more closely as a fiat short, and as it has yet to reach full capitalization, it will act as a LEVERAGED fiat short, a leveraged short without liquidation risk. Capital flight into BTC until full capitalization is the trade, simple as.

>> No.56228701 [View]
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Threadly reminder that the MEDIAN household income in 1970 was 235oz of gold ($8.7k in '70 dollars, $450k in 2023 shitcoins). You will never be free as long as you hold fiat.

>> No.56208066 [View]
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Yes. Gold has performed as a near perfect -1x of fiat averaged over decades long timeframes (44x versus 42x money expansion since '71).

Economy always finds it's level.

However, BTC will track much more closely as a fiat short (due to much lower 'physical' settlement cost), and as it has yet to reach full capitalization, it will act as a LEVERAGED fiat short, a leveraged short without liquidation risk.

>> No.56175589 [View]
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BTC solves money, people call it "digital gold" but even gold relied on trust in the sovereign that the coinage was of the correct purity & weight, and after redemption based currency gained traction was entirely trust-based. BTC on the other hand is truly trustless, the first trustless money to ever exist, and as such, the last money the world will ever need, a final solution to the money question. The systemic economic value of trustless money is nearly beyond comprehension. Future history will denote the past into pre & post BTC eras. Bitcoin is an inevitability.

>> No.56157920 [View]
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If you haven't beat QQQ over the last 1, 5, 10, & 14 years you need to shut your month and all-in either the cubes or an asset that has. Simple as.

>> No.56157443 [View]
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Just need real money. Median household income in 1970 was $8,700, that was 235oz of gold or $450k in 2023 dollars

>> No.56091489 [View]
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>he fell for the "BTC is a speculative asset" psyop
New money flows into liquid assets, money is the most liquid asset, BTC is better money than gold, gold has kept pace with debasement (44x versus 42x monetary expansion since '71), BTC has yet to reach full capitalization. Pop quiz hotshot: What does BTC act as until full capitalization?

>> No.56068395 [View]
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Yes, Short the Shitcoin.

1970: $0.5T
1980: $1.5T
2000: $4.5T
2020: $15T
2023 $20.8T

-MSPUS (Median Sales Price of Houses Sold for the United States)-
1970: $24k
1980: $64k
2000: $165k
2020: $329k
2023: $436k

r2: 0.98

Inflation is always and only a monetary phenomenon, a parasitic transfer of resources from income earners to oligarchs as debasement will naturally inflate assets while wages and salaries will only rise AFTER assets have pumped and the worker feels the pinch of debasement.

Gold has faced the triple threat of demonization headwind, paper manipulation (not a threat to BTC as 'physical' settlement is cheap), and ridiculously high transaction costs for physical metal, yet despite these obstacles it's still performed near perfectly as an unleveraged fiat short averaged over decades long timeframes (44x versus 42x money expansion since '71).

Economy always finds it's level in-the-limit.

BTC has none of those issues, it's in the process of monetization, it can't be paper manipulated, and transaction costs are negligible, BTC will therefore track much more closely as a fiat short, and as it has yet to reach full capitalization, it will act as a LEVERAGED fiat short, a leveraged short without liquidation risk. Capital flight into BTC until full capitalization is the trade, simple as.

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