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>> No.55416655 [View]
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Political Theater. Gotta pretend you're "serious about inflation"
Debasement is just dilution, everyone cries about "the debt" as though the bad thing happens in the future "It's a ponzi!" like it's going to blow up, but it's not a ponzi, a ponzi pays out old money, fiat counterfeits money, "the bad thing" already happened, they've already stolen your money and spent it, and while "proximity to the source of money" may have some benefits, the primary lasting effect is just "fiat line go down". DCA into whichever highly leveraged short on fiat you like, but do DCA into a highly leveraged short on fiat.

>> No.55408319 [View]
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Do you believe we'll ever ever see 2019 fiat stock levels? No? Do you believe fiat stock will be higher or lower than today in 20 years? How much higher? Much much higher? CORRECT. Now, how many BTC will there be in 20 years? BTC = Money.

>> No.55407507 [View]
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"Utility" dumbfucks lost the plot, true value proposition of crypto is MONEY, rock hard, immutable, incorruptible cash money. Which makes PoW the only real crypto, which makes old chains more valuable, which means BTC = Money.

>> No.55402574 [View]
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Is this unironically the best cryptocurrency? It literally does everything. You can use it as cash. Lightning is fast as fuck. You can build anything on it with enough understanding of actual cryptography and math. Scales to infinity, bound only by hardware and our limited understanding. Why are shitcoins even still alive?

>> No.55392582 [View]
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The true value proposition of crypto is MONEY, which makes PoW the only real crypto, which makes old chains more valuable, which means BTC = Money.

1) BTC (Money)
2) XMR (digital cash)
3) LTC, DOGE (Old PoW chains, useful for low value transactions because of low fees)
9001) everything else (shitcoins)

Don't hold shitcoins.

>> No.55392126 [View]
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>he sees the system is rigged
>his "solution" is to give more power to the people rigging it
1) Hard money forces positive sum activity as everything has to balance.
2) Hard money fell out of favor for transactional not economic reasons at the start of the industrial revolution.
3) Politics always favors soft money because it enables easy and opaque theft.
4) Ergo, money that can be manipulated will be.

BTC solves money, it is technical fix for a political problem, it is transactionally easy hard money, and unlike physical hard money, abstraction layers can ALSO be trustless and uncorruptible, preventing the problems seen in "backed" soft money where the manipulation happens in the abstraction layers.

Remember that MOST of the public debt is from social spending, and that social spending acts as a supply-side labor supply, suppressing the market rate of labor (labor in the broadest sense, "wages and salaries") by reducing the cost of substance (driving down wages and salaries well up the chain). Look at the 10,000 years of lockstep wage/productivity growth before fake money. "Gee gosh wilikers it's a mystery why wages have diverged from productivity and the wealthiest keep getting wealthier!" He says while while pumping trillions of counterfeit dollars into supply side labor subsidizes. They've rigged a system where inflation (debasement) doesn't inflate wages! Reducing real wages while pumping asset bags!

BTC allows workers to opt out of the fiat grift, Bitcoin will continuing pump because statist fucking shits will never stop debasing.

>> No.55391638 [View]
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That's the point.

1) Hard money forces positive sum activity as everything has to balance.
2) Hard money fell out of favor for transactional not economic reasons at the start of the industrial revolution.
3) Politics always favors soft money because it enables easy and opaque theft.
4) Ergo, money that can be manipulated will be.

BTC solves money, it is technical fix for a political problem, it is transactionally easy hard money, and unlike physical hard money, abstraction layers can ALSO be trustless and uncorruptible, preventing the problems seen in "backed" soft money where the manipulation happens in the abstraction layers.

BTC is Money.

>> No.55385201 [View]
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Blinded by political theater. Hard money is highly desirable systemically as it forces positive sum activity, hard money however WAS impractical to use, being replaced by soft money hundreds of years ago. History has proven that 'backed' soft money will always be abused, the difficultly inherent in past hard money makes verification etc unwieldy, leading backed soft money to become unbacked over time. But the systemic economic value of hard money remains, BTC is hard money that's easy to use, that is it's value. It is not in competition with the financial system, it is in competition with fiat. BTC will continue to grow as long as statists debase, which they will never stop doing as debasement is the lever which they use to manipulate the economy. You see powerful parasites and say "they are too powerful, we can't fight them" Economy sees powerful parasites and says "so much free value!". BTC is the sword Economy wields to slay the parasites, BTC's Becoming is guaranteed by the systemic economic value gained by fiat's demise. Fix money, fix the world.

>> No.55364728 [View]
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>break free from traditional financial institutions

Hard money is highly desirable systemically as it forces positive sum activity, hard money however WAS impractical to use, being replaced by soft money hundreds of years ago. History has proven that 'backed' soft money will always be abused, the difficultly inherent in past hard money makes verification etc unwieldy, leading backed soft money to become unbacked over time. But the systemic economic value of hard money remains, BTC is hard money that's easy to use, that is it's value. It is not in competition with the financial system, it is in competition with fiat. BTC will continue to grow as long as statists debase, which they will never stop doing as debasement is the lever which they use to manipulate the economy. You see powerful parasites and say "they are too powerful, we can't fight them" Economy sees powerful parasites and says "so much free value!". BTC is the sword Economy wields to slay the parasites, BTC's Becoming is guaranteed by the systemic economic value gained by fiat's demise.

>> No.55344237 [View]
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Hard money is highly desirable systemically as it forces positive sum activity, hard money however WAS impractical to use, being replaced by soft money hundreds of years ago. History has proven that 'backed' soft money will always be abused, the difficultly inherent in past hard money makes verification etc unwieldy, leading backed soft money to become unbacked over time. But the systemic economic value of hard money remains, BTC (all PoW Crypto really) is hard money that's easy to use, that is it's value. It is not in competition with the financial system, it is in competition with fiat. BTC will continue to grow as long as statists debase, which they will never stop doing as debasement is the lever which they use to manipulate the economy. While Economy is naturally positive sum, fiat allows the manipulation of Economy to favor zero and even negative sum economic transactions! Blasphemy! Economy will not abide. You see powerful parasites and say "they are too powerful, we can't fight them" Economy sees powerful parasites and says "so much free value!". BTC is the sword Economy wields to slay the Adversary, BTC's Becoming is guaranteed by the systemic economic value gained by fiat's demise.

>> No.55327572 [View]
File: 99 KB, 1024x1104, bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitcoins are not engineered to kill central banking, they are engineered to transfer your money to a few insiders, preminers, scammers and venture capitals - they will cashout and dump on you
>FIATs like USD/EUR/GBP are all fake, printed out of thin air, unlimited supply, permanently bleeding SHIT-CURRENCIES
>BTC is engineered to attract (futile) attacks by central bankers, governments, mainstream media, keynesians and parasites cause it makes them all irrelevant
>BTC has no top cause all FIATs have no bottom
>NEVER USE DERIVATIVES like futures and options, they are just USD-only trading on fake paper-BTC, they dilute the supply canceling the scarcity effect, kill the price discovery, and help market manipulators to keep the price down with naked short selling
>when you keep your money inside an EXCHANGE you are getting SCAMMED with FRACTIONAL RESERVE and you are exposed to risk of CONFISCATION
>NO KEYS NO PARTY, use hardware wallets, move your coins into cold storage, BACKUP your keys/seed
>NEVER TRUST CENTRALIZED PARTIES (exchanges, banks, custodial services, lending platforms, centralized shitcoin wraps like WBTC)
>CBDC (central bank digital currencies) are a SCAM, central bank rugpulls, they will lose value even faster, kill your privacy, restrict your ability to freely spend your money
>don't try to time the market, 50% crashes are normal, do not leverage, 2X long leveraged traders will get wiped out
>DO NOT SHORT, LONG LEVERAGE, SWING (or you will lose it all)
>BTC is not a get-rich-quick scheme, it's a don't-get-poor-slowly scheme
>run a full Bitcoin Core node, don't trust, verify
>use non-custodial LN wallets for small tx
>don't think it's too late, it's never late, FIATs will always keep bleeding purchasing power

>> No.55327198 [View]
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The State is memeshit. Hobbes's Leviathan is a Meme Complex as per Dawkins, Law is ex post facto codification of these prevailing meme complexes, Law has no power, State has no power, meme complexes hold all the power attributed to these institutions. Economy is different, Economy is an emergent property of people. Economy is positive sum. Economy always wins because Economy is self-organizing, self-correcting, and positive sum. History is not driven by politics, history is driven by Economy & Technology.

Hard money is highly desirable systemically as it forces positive sum activity, hard money however WAS impractical to use, being replaced by soft money hundreds of years ago. History has proven that 'backed' soft money will always be abused, the difficultly inherent in past hard money makes verification etc unwieldy, leading backed soft money to become unbacked over time. But the systemic economic value of hard money remains, BTC (all PoW Crypto really) is hard money that's easy to use, that is it's value. It is not in competition with the financial system, it is in competition with fiat. BTC will continue to grow as long as statists debase, which they will never stop doing as debasement is the lever which they use to manipulate the economy. While Economy is naturally positive sum, fiat allows the manipulation of Economy to favor zero and even negative sum economic transactions! Blasphemy! Economy will not abide. You see powerful parasites and say "they are too powerful, we can't fight them" Economy sees powerful parasites and says "so much free value!". BTC is the sword Economy wields to slay the parasites, BTC's Becoming is guaranteed by the systemic economic value gained by fiat's demise.

>> No.55319378 [View]
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Hard money is highly desirable systemically as it forces positive sum activity, hard money however WAS impractical to use, being replaced by soft money hundreds of years ago. History has proven that 'backed' soft money will always be abused, the difficultly inherent in past hard money makes verification etc unwieldy, leading backed soft money to become unbacked over time. But the systemic economic value of hard money remains, BTC (all PoW Crypto really) is hard money that's easy to use, that is it's value. It is not in competition with the financial system, it is in competition with fiat. BTC will continue to grow as long as statists debase, which they will never stop doing as debasement is the lever which they use to manipulate the economy. You see powerful parasites and say "they are too powerful, we can't fight them" Economy sees powerful parasites and says "so much free value!". BTC is the sword Economy wields to slay the parasites, BTC's Becoming is guaranteed by the systemic economic value gained by fiat's demise.

>> No.55304719 [View]
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The most powerful lever the Statists have is fiat, from which their influence over Economy rests, but this influence is perverse and inefficient, while Economy is naturally positive sum, fiat allows the manipulation of Economy to favor zero and even negative sum economic transactions! Blasphemy! Economy will not abide -- "The market eh finds a way" -- and a way it found.

>> No.55288993 [View]
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State is memeshit. Hobbes's Leviathan is a Meme Complex as per OG Dawkins, Law is ex post facto codification of these prevailing meme complexes, Law has no power, the State has no power, meme complexes hold all the power attributed to these institutions. Fiat, the true source of Statist power, runs on weak procedural memes that can't stand scrutiny, fiat has held on because "there is no alternative", but there is now an alternative

>> No.55287774 [View]
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Nigger, the Fed is not your friend, they don't care about inflation, they care only about maintaining control through fiat fuckery. They will never crash the markets because because that would hurt the oligarchs, stop playing their game, there is only one way out of this.

>> No.55276231 [View]
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Remember that MOST of the public debt is from social spending, and that social spending acts as a supply-side labor supply, suppressing the market rate of labor (labor in the broadest sense, "wages and salaries") by reducing the cost of substance (driving down wages and salaries well up the chain). Debt that is printed into existence, the rank debasement of fiat in the last half century! Gee why are the rich getting richer? They've rigged a system where inflation doesn't inflate wages! Look at the wage/productivity divergence since the end of hard money, look at the 10,000 years of lockstep wage/productivity growth before fake money. "Gee gosh wilikers it's a mystery why wages have diverged from productivity!" He says while while pumping trillions of counterfeit dollars into supply side labor subsidizes. The entire fiat grift rests on debasement outpacing wage growth, such that real wages fall while assets inflate, enriching the oligarchs by suppressing the market price of labor while at the same time pumping asset prices. Without central banking the grift falls apart.

>> No.55276178 [View]
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>let the free market deal with it
It is.

>> No.55275658 [View]
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Cool, just bought more. Never selling.

>> No.55265285 [View]
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>statists will stop debasing
7tps is more than enough to act as the worlds primary reserve, XMR can handle day to day tx

>> No.55258355 [View]
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>> No.55255599 [View]
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>separate ecosystem
Not separate, Real. State is memeshit. Hobbes's Leviathan is a Meme Complex as per OG Dawkins, Law is ex post facto codification of these prevailing meme complexes, Law has no power, State has no power, meme complexes hold all the power attributed to these institutions. Fiat, the true source of Statist power, runs on weak procedural memes that can't stand scrutiny, fiat has held on because "there is no alternative", but there is now an alternative.

>> No.55236206 [View]
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State is memeshit. Hobbes's Leviathan is a Meme Complex as per OG Dawkins, Law is ex post facto codification of these prevailing meme complexes, Law has no power, the State has no power, meme complexes hold all the power attributed to these institutions. Fiat, the true source of Statist power, runs on weak procedural memes that can't stand scrutiny, fiat has held on because "there is no alternative", but there is now an alternative, real money: BTC/XMR.

>> No.55232608 [View]
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All shitcoins are going to zero and there's literally nothing you can do about it

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