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>> No.55327418 [View]
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>NO, he didn’t get away scott free because he’s Jewish
That is right. His accomplice was also the daughter of Gar Gensler's boss at MIT and Gensler gave him multiple of the record private meetings.
>So Gensler is jewish, Caroline Ellison is jewish, and Samuel Bankman-Fried is jewish. They are all jewish. Good eye anon, we almost let that cohencidence slip past us unnoticed.

>> No.54614939 [View]
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lots of faggots in here.

>> No.54506407 [View]
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The year is 56 AD, you are a young Roman legionaire posted to the exotic frontier. On your way back from a camel stabbing operation, you encounter a strangely dressed man wearing pomegranate juice on his face. "Make way for Caesar's honour" your centurion barks as you approach him(?). The creature grabs his drinking horn and scuttles to the side. As your column passes by, you hear "Bvddvs Litaevm is guaranteed to make real men love you". You shudder and keep on marching. Such horrors are why the frontier needs Roman laws after all.
>With a clap of thunder and blinding flash of lightning, you are caught up in a time portal.
The year is 2023 AD. The world has changed. You come to your senses in an urban park on top of a strange bush. Immediately you reach for your gladius and find it gone. Stumbling upright you see two greeks in coitus prohibitus. Disgusting. With a few well placed kicks you drive them from your path. The smell is overwhelming. This slave class must keep rotting meat in their pockets. Once again you feel in control of your destiny. If the gods brought you to this strange land, they must have a plan for you. In the distance you see a young gaulish free woman waling towards you. They are the only females who wear trousers in Rome. Standing upright, you push your chest out, throw your arm up in the air and bellow "Ave Caesar". She screams and takes some magical trinket from her pocket and holds it before her as a protective amulet. It flashes. Behind her you see the greeks returning with a mob. They too are holding local amulets. This world is unknown to you and you search desperately for something legible for a clue as to where you are. Suddenly you spot some androgynous witch doctor marching with the mob. In his(?) hands he is carrying two blue cylinders with "Bud Light" in roman characters. Your mind races back to the desert. It all makes sense. You are under the spell of a powerful greek witch. Your anus spasms in fear. All goes dark.

>> No.51245550 [View]
File: 33 KB, 720x568, 51723281_2139324319463858_492269089675280384_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would know all about dick sucking wouldn't you, faggot!

>> No.28949118 [View]
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>> No.28911083 [View]
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>The next ______
>Excessive mentions of uniswap
>Pictures and brochures that teach you how to buy the coin

>> No.24837985 [View]
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This board is filled with faggots

>> No.23151747 [View]
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>> No.22725003 [View]
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Intelligent faggot slash tranny desu

>> No.22095307 [View]
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hacked and a network was offline for a month.

>> No.21933706 [View]
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>> No.21462978 [View]
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>> No.20849586 [View]
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>> No.19988536 [View]
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That from a person that never had sex otherwise you wouldn't be saying that faggot.

>> No.19910040 [View]
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>> No.19721135 [View]
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>> No.19706323 [View]
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>> No.19638152 [View]
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>> No.19419844 [View]
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>> No.19415233 [View]
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Greenwich Village

>> No.19414677 [View]
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Biz retards can go fuck themselves like this pajeet in the link above ^

Biz retards also fomo'd in DXD without reading like a RETARD and did the most RETARDED thing you can do and fomo sold on niggerswap for <$30!!!!!

>> No.19414090 [View]
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>> No.19413604 [View]
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>> No.19402461 [View]
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