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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.1156338 [View]
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Why don't we start a /biz/ stock analyst firm like this?
>anyone who wants to be a part just picks a field to specialise in
>autistically research that field and become extremely knowledgeable about it
>research companies then post the research in the thread or google doc
>every properly researched /biz/ stockpick that's vetted as not a troll post gets added to a "/biz/" index so we can see how we stock picking as a group
>meme's insue as we end up well above the S&P or far far below it

So sixkek posts his biotech research and picks here
I go and get good at say commodity refining companies
post research about them here
someone ads the research and stock picks to a google doc to archive them
now we both get the benefit of diversified knowledge of stocks

now imagine everyone in this thread having an individual speciality and posting about their select field of stocks
or even if they have the same speciality it means you get more research on a field done quicker

>inb4: implying this would work and we'd not just lose money on the shitty amateur stockpicks of neets
that's not really the point we'd all learn something this way and it'd be fun to have some kind of neet dayjob of working for a rinky dink stock analyst firm that consists of anonymous tripfags posting in a thread on a malaysian coconut carving image board.

you'd have to become a namefag so people know that information really is coming from the same source everytime

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