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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.3298053 [View]
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Hmm, most solid ICO's these past few months have been solid 2-3x atleast. The thing that is different this September is the golden age of ICO's you just have to know where to look, I can't really provide a reference on a comparable project since every single one is so different but honestly if just find that an ICO has a combination of certain aspects to it like:
>Good team
>Product makes sense
>Have been alive for a while
>Hard cap isn't greedy
>Not favoring the whales
>Whitepaper makes sense

The project will boom, I EASILY see a project like Red Pulse sitting at 50M market cap and if you don't you're bullshitting because other companies that are magnitudes more shitty are worth way more. The Chinese will be fighting like sharks to be getting into this project. The partnerships RPX has established really show it's true value. I honestly wouldn't worry about it. Being the first NEO ICO will also give it a nice bump, sure the ICO regulation is shitty but at the end of the day it's only healthy for in the long run, I just feel like Red Pulse is put into a weird position because now all their direct early investors are foreign - must be strange.

Anyways if there's anything you can take from my post is that it's always wise to invest in projects that make sense, aren't greedy and make it hard for you to get in (hard caps etc)

Equation for success.

>> No.3284368 [View]
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Be ready on the 10th when it opens. Don't know the exact procedure.


Shit happens and it's the reality you need to deal with.

Buying because its at such a discount

>> No.3241720 [View]
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Because they've been doing this since 2014, actually have more than 1 developer (you're retarded btw)

Have stunning partnerships.
Have only focused on development, barely any marketing (letting it market itself)
Actually have a working product on the site.
Nice neat documentation (actually not vaporwave)

Ignore all these idiots saying it'll fail like the next Bancor, the best projects are always the unknown ones, anyone that hates on this project is a poor man that can't afford / doesn't have the balls to throw in 100 ETH. SWIFT wouldn't partner with them for no reason. The CEO knows exactly what he's doing and is a smart guy.

GG NoLinks are so fucking mad, can't wait to see some pink wojaks and instant 2-3x on the etherdelta the day of :)

t. someone who put down 300 ETH and is retiring after it explodes

>> No.2926120 [View]
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>> No.2881888 [View]
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Could someone post the link to that article that explains the difference between Monero and Zcoin...

Terms were thrown around like ... fungibility, backdoors ... etc etc.

I'm trying to understand the long term differences between the two and to make an educated guess on my long term section of my portfolio. Currently I think it's weighing to Monero but I need to more learning.

Thank you.

>> No.2832572 [View]
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And you're the intellectual enlightened one that's above everyone else right? kek.
You and your wild claims are just as dumb as the rest of us.

You know damn well that any news will set this thing off. Think of any partnerships, any good tech advancements, a solid new Western and Chinese rebranding. All these factors can easily stack to put it above 400k satoshis. Even at the levels it's at right now it is riding so nice and stable. Even with all of the uncertainty we don't see major dips, everyone just buys back in at certain points. Like we've all been seeing time and time again... just give this time.

We're in this together I don't understand the reason that you're trying to fight with everyone. Most people on this thread are far beyond delusional and from the comments I read it seems that most people don't act like actual adults. You never really see actual discussion, that's just the reality of this board, it's more of an experiment into emotion and that's all you should take from it.

Make a decision and stick with it.

>> No.2813559 [View]
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Give more background?
>How old are you?
>How much debt do you have?
>Why can't you work?
>What's your biggest issue in life? What's the first thing you think of? Is it money or general unhappiness?
>What have you tried in the past?
>What is your degree?

Maybe I'll help you and provide advice.

>> No.2808023 [View]
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What other business forums do you guys partake in? Something along the lines of online marketing, crypto, business/life advice but with high intelligence users who could mentor me.

I am feeling very burnt out of biz and I know my potential is there to improve an online community - my goal is to work in social media for companies promoting them Facebook with ClickFunnels etc. Is there anyone that could help me / provide some insight on somewhere online with high quality,smart users who aren't out to get everyone? Personally can't stand /biz/ as much as I used to since the posts are such low quality I find myself wasting a lot of time, it seems to be an endless negatives feedback loop at this point and I don't have a clue on what to do?
I was thinking of maybe creating my own private facebook group away from the normal people and joining simple business groups.

Thank you - if you'd like to directly contact me my discord is xaM#5495

>> No.2782330 [View]
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What's the best piece of business/life advice you've ever gotten?

For me it was my dad telling me to imagine how I'd feel about my progress if I was to look back in 5 years.

>> No.2748154 [View]
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Because they're under 25 years old, have invested less than a year, don't understand market psychology and are playing with less than $1,000.

What did you honestly expect to happen?
I should just develop a algorithm that invests based on the amount of wojaks that get posted on this board per hour at this point.

Also another thing is people here lack critical thought and jump into coins without understanding the actual technology / long term situation. (Patientory, Status)

It's basically a glorified case study into the feeble college investors mind.

>> No.2725814 [View]
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How about doing LSD? Atleast try microdosing it.

It will change your life (make sure you're with someone that has done it before) Write down all your thoughts and what you want to achieve.

Maybe even consider just saying fuck it and going to a random country on the earth - disappearing off of the grid to clear your mind, learn meditation and reconnecting with your inner self. You'll make it eventually.

The thing about 4Chan is, since you put a lot of thought into your post, you won't find any shills cluttering up your post, everyone deep down even on /biz/ can be compassionate and willing to toss you a hand. What goes around comes around.

Just let go and realize time heals everything. Every human has been where you have been. I hope you make it in the future and I wish you success.
Also in reference to that chick, your gut knows the answer, we all know the answer, you know the answer. Cut her out, build up yourself and then start from scratch. Women are a distraction if your mind isn't ready, they should aid your journey not clutter it with cold shoulders and fleeting love. She is playing you like a puppet.

>> No.2669863 [View]
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Anyone here studying business in College/University?

Currently go to a university in Ottawa Canada studying Commerce specializing in Information Systems and Marketing.

What about you guys? Do you like your program? It seems like most of my peers are only really either studying accounting or finance. I find it strange to think that most of my peers studying accounting don't even see a future in the industry and are merely studying it because it "guarantees money" . It honestly seems fucking soul sucking. How do I get them to wakeup.

Most students that I know don't actively try to improve their business knowledge / knowledge about their program and simply go home to watch Netflix or zone out to YouTube. Are they forever lost or do you think that they will get a wakeup call? Atleast with blockchain and crypto in general I am starting to develop a passion in unique technologies.
To be fair a lot of people on this board are worthless NEET's with less than $1,000 to their name so I even feel like I'm wasting my time being here but occasionally someone will drop a bomb of information and I look back and realize it was all worth it in the end.

How do you feel about everything?

>> No.2645856 [View]
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What makes you think it will go back to 270k

>> No.2578203 [View]
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Why I chose this as my 100% long term investment.

The most important thing you need to realize is how China operates. They don't care about the West, they want their local companies to thrive, not only through loss in sales but tough regulation.

>Walmart struggles in China.
>Uber failed in China, sells to competitor Didi
>Facebook , Google, Twitter, Ebay, Paypal, I could go on and on...

Why? It is not because a company is censored, or because of politics. It is merely because the world does not understand China and China's economy... China dominates as having some of the largest companies in the entire world, yet most of you have never heard of them. How did these Chinese companies achieve so much success without you even noticing? Maybe you did notice, but was not aware it was owned by China.

Here are some massive Chinese companies
>Banks: ICBC, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, ABC Bank
>Tencent Just Passed Wells Fargo as the World's 10th Biggest Company in the world. (Forbes)
>Alibaba - Biggest IPO in the worlds history. (Alibaba, Alipay, Taobao)
>China's Huawei 'Growing Up' To Become The World's No. 1 ... (Forbes)
>Baidu - China's search engine / app platform.
>JD.com - Massive online retailer.

Most people dont even know what 'WeChat' (by Tencent) is, yet it generates more revenue per year than Facebook! When it comes to Chinese assets, you need to understand they can become the largest companies in the world, without any international support.

Now don't get me wrong, Foreign companies can still be successful in China, if they are marketed and properly executed. A foreign company can obtain a 20% marketshare in China and be successful, but who has the other 80%? China. If Ethereum gained a 20% marketshare in China, investors may see this as a "success". While AntShares (Neo) obtains an 80% marketshare in China and then goes after the rest of the world. Success comes from investing in undervalued companies.

Post 1.

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