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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.56609116 [View]
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I warned you that I was calling my jewish uncle. He said its just not ripe for the plucking.

>> No.30403027 [View]
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the only reason you're here is to look at funny memes while you hold crypto and wait to get effortlessly rich

>> No.27319052 [View]
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>he tries to "time" the market
you keep missing out on shit because you're procrastinating, waiting for a good time. the best time is right this fucking second, and it always will be. literally anything is better than holding onto fiat currency as you carefully decide on which crapshoot you wanna throw your money into. if you have even a thousand bucks sitting a savings account right now, you are literally ngmi. stop waiting, start buying, or stay poor forever.

>> No.26629984 [View]
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>not buying stocks AND crypto

>> No.15159100 [View]
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what are your ultimate end-game purchases, investments, etc.? what motivates you to get rich? also what's in your portfolio?

for me it's:
>funding artificial womb technology
>funding research for artificially-created female pheromones
>virtual simulations of sex infinite times better than the real thing

I want to achieve true MTGOW status. Women are expensive, time-consuming, and stressful. I ended up hating every single girl I've dated or been sexually active with. I've tried for years to just give up on women entirely, but my brain forces me to be depressed and miserable if I don't snort a slampig's pheromones at least once a month.

my portfolio:
>$10k USD fiat savings in bank (excess gets turned into more crypto)
>$37k USD fiat in ETF stocks
>8 BTC, pure
>288 LTC
>6 ETH
>about ~2.2 BTC worth of shitcoins
>absolutely 0 LINK, never ever
>about -$22k in medical debt that I'm avoiding

>> No.14538548 [View]
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>> No.11754493 [View]
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probably not going to put many carrots on the tabel

>> No.11028628 [View]
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>touching your penis for any reason other than washing it or urinating
not gonna make it

>> No.10777028 [View]
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they're actually not attributes or skills, they're "superpowers" or "magical abilities".

>> No.10709034 [View]
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/selfemployed/ master race reporting in.

I do literally anything I want and make 36k a year. 1/3rd goes to living expenses, 1/3rd goes to taxes, 1/3rd gets saved or wasted on stupid shit. It's not much, but I love what I do, and even someone told me "you can make 200k a year if you work for me today" I'd literally tell them to sniff my braps. It feels really good knowing my future doesn't depend on someone higher up than me who could fuck me over on a moment's notice.

>> No.10568785 [View]
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>make LARP thread that subtly shills your bags
>immediately close thread
>don't even check it later
Fire and forget.

>> No.9188701 [View]
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You're going to make it. Anyone questioning your methods will shrivel up and die.

>> No.8748890 [View]
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Admit it, cointards: it was all a ponzi scheme and you bought in because you were paranoid of "missing the boat" time after. When is it a good time to buy? Never. Bitcoin has ZERO purpose. Oh you wanna buy groceries? Hope you like paying an extra $20 per trip to the store because of the insane fees.

It's not worth watching your life savings dwindled to nothing. Sell now and never look back. Sure, you'll probably lose quite a bit, but it's better than losing everything. Admit you were wrong and sell. Screencap this and thank me when bitcoin is below 1k again in a few months from now.

>> No.8051817 [View]
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Just buy bitcoin. Anything else is just some pajeet shilling his bags.

>> No.7969094 [View]
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So is crypto over? Nothings mooning.

>> No.6993065 [View]
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>it's just a bubble
How high does BTC need to go before nocoin brainlets finally admit they were wrong?

>> No.6663814 [View]
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>> No.6485897 [View]
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>not setting up a script to automatically buy more coins with each paycheck you get
every second your money sits in fiat you're getting depreciated

>> No.4926376 [View]
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>oh no bitcoin is worth as much as 3 days ago how will coinfags ever recover

>> No.4113994 [View]
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>Crypto One Stop Solution

>> No.3837903 [View]
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>brown ID
>not a pajeet

pick one

>> No.3417716 [View]
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Going to sleep now. If eth is still down when I wake up I'm gonna bash the first chink cunt I see.

>> No.3248000 [View]
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>getting the fuck out before their Q4 releases

>> No.2862796 [View]
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OP here. I am pleased with the results of this thread. I was expecting all of you to take the lambo pill because you're a bunch of greedy kykes that have no idea that there's more life than money, but it seems a good number of you were wise enough to take the chad pill - the objectively superior choice.

Let's do a little math. The lambo you'll get will probably be worth about 2 to 3 hundred thousand assuming you sell it immediately, but you get it after the shitcoin moon period so you cannot use that right away. So you've got $500, plus whatever else, and you'll 10x your current net worth instantly. Let's assume the average person on /biz/ has about $5000; quite a generous estimate considering most of you are NEETs with no income or savings.

So at the end of the pill's effect you're probably gonna be ~$300,000 richer, assuming the average, maybe half a million. A select few of you will be millionaires because you're smarter than the average NEET.

So now let's re-examine the chad pill. No, you won't be a millionaire or anywhere near it, but you'll live a much more fulfilling and healthy life. Imagine being able to walk every day and not be ashamed of your looks. Imagine being able to actually go meet women and experience the dating life. And not only that, your improved social skills will allow you to move up in the world and get a better job. There's honestly a pretty good chance you'll be a millionaire one day anyways, assuming you were actually good with money in the first place.

To anyone who picked the chad pill, I have good news for you: you're gonna make it big in this world if you put your mind to it. You have the decision-making skills and foresight required to be successful.

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