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>> No.22856085 [View]
File: 207 KB, 602x444, 4D965B1E-659A-46DC-9B23-5BDA58EB17DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BNT’s new tokenomics with super high staking rewards and Bancor V2.1s new pool design that mitigates impermanent loss will cause all DEFI liquidity to flow to Bancor's pools, creating a feedback loop of larger liquidity pools > super lower slippage > more trade volume > higher staking rewards and more demand for BNT. Because Bancor V2.1 enables single token exposure (staking of any supported token) Bancor liquidity pools will suck up even more assets & liquidity. Liquidity aggregators like 1inch, DEX AG, Kyber and Paraswap will come to source the vast majority of their liquidity from Bancor V2.1 pools. BNT is taking a page out of the Synthetix playbook with a cookie cutter copy pasta of SNX that makes it so anyone who locks BNT in Bancor pools will earn insane inflationary rewards. This will generate massive FOMO into BNT to stake liquidity and create very strong liquidity pools that rank in the top of DefiPulse. Supply of BNT will shrink on all exchanges and will be very easy to pump.

>> No.22842748 [View]
File: 207 KB, 602x444, 93FCD7DC-2DC3-4923-81FE-3529AAEB92C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 days ago when Bancor was at 75 cents I told you that BNT had bottomed out and was about to begin its second 1000% increase this year as Bancor gets ready to release v2.1 that mitigates impermanent loss in liquidity pools: >>22800383 No other other AMM protocol has been able to do this yet. Not Uniswap, not Curve, not Sushiswap, not Balancer. None of them. Anyone who has ever staked in a liquidity pool knows how much it sucks to put money in, think you’re banking by collecting fees and then actually end up with less tokens than you started out with when you unstake. Well, Bancor, the first AMM to ever exist, the people who literally invented DeFi, have found a solution to this problem and it’s going to make them the most valuable DEX in the space and drive up BNT price to over $12 before December. A very conservative call based upon the value they are about to deliver to DeFi. If you were smart and listened when my galaxy brain told you to buy a couple of days ago you have already made a nice profit. Congratulations, but this is just the beginning. If you didn’t buy yet, you are still very early. Heres’s why. Bancor v2.1 bread crumbs are being dropped all over Bancor’s telegram channels but there’s not been a single official announcement about it. Slowly people are starting to realize that behind the silence Bancor is preparing to drop a massive upgrade. Smart anons watching the Github saw some major updates, word got out and it the repo was made private. My advice to you anon is to get in on BNT now while there is still not a single official mention of what’s coming on Bancor’s blog or social media. Get in before Reddit realizes what’s happening and the BNT 1000% pump V2 kicks off. If you don’t believe me I don’t care. I’m only posting this now so I can come back later and say I told you so like I did when I called the first 1000% BNT pump this year.

>> No.22803041 [View]
File: 207 KB, 602x444, 3DC03995-E7EC-490E-A8B6-39F2EBC310DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i shilled u BNT in March at sub 30 cents and made you 1000% profit if u played it smart. if u missed that free money opportunity u now have another shot at this anon, so don’t fuck it up. loading up on BNT now while it’s at its absolute bottom in this cycle, with no hype, and holding for one month will prove to be the smartest and most profitable defi trade this quarter. bancor is playing it exactly like chainlink did in 2019 when there was 0 hype on their channels and only one price feed live. anyone not paying attention doesn’t see it, but the breadcrumbs are all over their telegram. don’t complain when BNT easily rips past $3 once v2.1 is live with dozens of liquidity pools that can be staked in without impermanent loss and say no one told u this was coming. yesterday, nate said in the bancor traders channel that the new contracts are already being audited. this likely gives anyone who wants to load up on BNT about 3 to 4 weeks before BNT begins its next 1000%+ pump cycle according to my giga brain forecasts. also remember that not a single one of the million cookie cutter pasta AMMs on the market has actually mitigated impermanent loss yet. not sushiswap, not uniswap, not balancer, not curve, not fucking dodo. none of them. they’re all the fucking same and are all at parity with bancor’s v1 that has been around since 2017. the original fucking AMM. prepare your body and your bags for the biggest defi black swan event of the year. and don’t say u didn’t receive fair notice. not this time anon. not this time.

>> No.22793383 [View]
File: 207 KB, 602x444, 5D273B6C-6105-4A84-A216-E5A16596F726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i shilled u BNT in March at sub 30 cents and made you 1000% profit if u played it smart. if u missed that free money opportunity u now have another shot at this anon, so don’t fuck it up. loading up on BNT now while it’s at its absolute bottom in this cycle, with no hype, and holding for one month will prove to be the smartest and most profitable defi trade this quarter. bancor is playing it exactly like chainlink did in 2019 when there was 0 hype on their channels and only one price feed live. anyone not paying attention doesn’t see it, but the breadcrumbs are all over their telegram. don’t complain when BNT easily rips past $3 once v2.1 is live with dozens of liquidity pools that can be staked in without impermanent loss and say no one told u this was coming. yesterday, nate said in the bancor traders channel that the new contracts are already being audited. this likely gives anyone who wants to load up on BNT about 3 to 4 weeks before BNT begins its next 1000%+ pump cycle according to my giga brain forecasts. also remember that not a single one of the million cookie cutter pasta AMMs on the market has actually mitigated impermanent loss yet. not sushiswap, not uniswap, not balancer, not curve, not fucking dodo. none of them. they’re all the fucking same and are all at parity with bancor’s v1 that has been around since 2017. the original fucking AMM. prepare your body and your bags for the biggest defi black swan event of the year. and don’t say u didn’t receive fair notice. not this time anon. not this time.

>> No.22785339 [View]
File: 207 KB, 602x444, A14FF7D6-4085-44DF-8AE3-C35682B7D7A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bancor is dead
>devs are slow
>v2 failed

i shilled u BNT in March at sub 30 cents and made you 1000% profit if u played it smart. if u missed that free money opportunity u now have another shot at this anon, so don’t fuck it up. loading up on BNT now while it’s at its absolute bottom in this cycle, with no hype, and holding for one month will prove to be the smartest and most profitable defi trade this quarter. bancor is playing it exactly like chainlink did in 2019 when there was 0 hype on their channels and only one price feed live. anyone not paying attention doesn’t see it, but the breadcrumbs are all over their telegram. don’t complain when BNT easily rips past $3 once v2.1 is live with dozens of liquidity pools that can be staked in without impermanent loss and say no one told u this was coming. yesterday, nate said in the bancor traders channel that the new contracts are already being audited. this likely gives anyone who wants to load up on BNT about 3 to 4 weeks before BNT begins its next 1000%+ pump cycle according to my giga brain forecasts. also remember that not a single one of the million cookie cutter pasta AMMs on the market has actually mitigated impermanent loss yet. not sushiswap, not uniswap, not balancer, not curve, not fucking dodo. none of them. they’re all the fucking same and are all at parity with bancor’s v1 that has been around since 2017. the original fucking AMM. prepare your body and your bags for the biggest defi black swan event of the year. and don’t say u didn’t receive fair notice. not this time anon. not this time.

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