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>> No.9832638 [View]
File: 120 KB, 740x417, Cigarette Companies Hate Him!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a pack a day smoker, and I quit 5 years ago. I'll tell you how.
First I started to dislike the taste of the cigarette towards the end, so I would throw it away before it reaches the end. Then I started to feel bad about myself whenever I would go out to light one. I figured if I threw it away the instant I regretted that it would be a small victory each time. (Throw it away without any further thought or consideration, just throw it in the ashtray as soon as you have one thought of regret, act on this thought I don't care if you are poor and can't afford to throw cigarettes away, you want to quit you shouldn't be smoking them at all). Do some stretches or take a walk instead. What's the point in doing something to yourself that you feel bad about? Stop being a weak bitch and throw the cigarette out instead of feeling bad for yourself.

I think part of what helped me quit was to think about what purpose smoking served for me. When I went to go smoking I felt bad about myself, I felt sorry for myself. It was my way to separate briefly and look down on the world as if I was somehow superior. It was the worlds fault I was slowly killing myself like this. Why couln't life be easy? Why couldn't I be with the girl that I wanted? Those were the stupidest moments of my life, the misguided self pity was exposed to me when I started to think about what I was doing and why. What did I gain from this pitiful introspection? I realized that unless you decide to stop being a bitch then you will be a bitch forever.

So ask yourself anon, why do you smoke? What do you accomplish in your moments of solitude? How can you use this moment (right now) to improve your life?

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