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>> No.10696837 [View]
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>Be in my early 20's with severe depression
>Used btc to score a 50 sheet off darknet
>Trip off 150-300ug once a fortnight and furiously masturbate to POV porn and fleshlight and cum 5-6 times during peak, and watch anime during comedown
>During this period become obsessed with alien abduction theories, ufo's, NWO and other tinhat foil theories.
>One time score 2 mdma pills and decide to roll at home solo, to try to self-medicate for depression. Ended up trying to get it up and masturbating because why not.
>Decided to take 4 tabs (600ug) during mdma peak to try to cure depression once and for all with a heroic dose
>Around 90 mins later, laying in bed, walls melting, starting to lose grasp of visuals of my room, can suddenly feel a presence in my room
>Look up towards middle of room, there's a warm translucent glow that did not visually "move or wave" like the rest of the reality. Scared shitless and put my head under blankets trying to sleep what seemed like a bad trip away.
> Around 15 minutes later, can hear helicopter insanely close to my house, hovering above it, got out of bed, the glow was gone, can see black unmarked heli doing circles around my street with search lights and all, and left around 10 minutes after.
>Flashbacks to reading about how unmarked government heli's do scout the areas after reports of UFO's.
>Grabbed a bottle of bourbon, did a quarter bottle to sleep as thoughts of being "visited" just plagued my mind. It worked.

After that experience, never fucked with LSD again recreationally, it is some powerful substance that needs to be respected, and only done given the right mindstate, setting and company. These days I'll drop 15-30ug every 3 days to microdose as a nootropic. I still think about that experience quite often.

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