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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.27741186 [View]
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Checked for comfy show. Trippy, though. I'm surprised it aired. It was very much against the grain of the shit they shovel in kids' faces these days.

We're in an unprecedented era of infinite QE, ZIRP, and assurances that the Fed has "more policy tools" and won't hesitate to use them in order to keep capital markets functioning. JP's denying the impacts of QE on asset pricing and income inequality, which even the MSM mouthpieces are starting to question. When the Fed starts thinking about thinking about raising rates is the signal for which we're all waiting.

On top of that, one noticeable aspect of easy monetary policy and the Fed vol put is the extent to which the system is levered. This was bad before March, and can anyone say it's really changed? Vol remains proportionally high, and whether or not that is simply a part of the new normal will be seen. But, my gut tells me it'll be vol spiking and massive deleveraging, like we saw recently and back in March, that will cause a massive and quick downward spiral, as opposed to death by a thousand cuts. If that's true, the VIX will spike, we'll see circuit breakers again, and bobos will smugpost. The issue is it's hard to say if we'll ever know in advance what the catalyst for that will be, or if the Fed will let it continue for any length of time.

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