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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.55998413 [View]
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eight of wands, seven of wands, four of pentacles
eight is like, achievement of stability. mastery. it is a number associated with expertise, power, success. wands means growth. so this is a card that represents kind of the achievement of potential in terms of growth- completion of long term goals, coming to maturity, that kind of thing

seven of wands- seven is a card associated with action, especially action out into the world. career, initiatives, projects. once your training is over, you really go out and try to do stuff, what you were meant to do. but there's some chaos in that, uncertainty, turmoil, conflict, obstacles to overcome.

the fact that two consecutive cards are next to each other in reverse order is significant to me. seems to suggest that even after achieving some milestones, there will still be work to do, which might be kind of chaotic. not exactly smooth sailing.
final card is 4 of pentacles- 4 is like stability (think 4 legs on a table) and pentacles is money, work, life, housing, tangible assets, stuff you can touch.

so this reading appears to tell a story about growth. first, some milestones will be reached- completion of a degree? a promotion? some kind of election or placement into prominence?
then, the real work begins- work that you were designed to do, meant to do, capable of succeeding at, but still not exactly easy or smooth-
finally, the task accomplished, a settling down into stability, especially related to money or tangible real world assets i guess. like calm after a storm- after the old paradigm is disrupted, a new status quo emerges.

2023 for XRP:
3 of wands: chaos and turmoil related to growth

the star: hope, flow, calm after turmoil (it comes after the tower, which shows an explosion), interconnectedness both IRL and in the spiritual sense
six of wands: stability, harmony, beauty, related to growth

chaos and doom- then hope and calm- then beauty and harmony.

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