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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.26724777 [View]
File: 115 KB, 1242x1226, 20210113_140250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.Melvin, the cocksucker, took out a loan to short gme
2.It went up, and now he has to pay up.
3.He liquidates his assets, but it isn't enough
4.declares bankrupcy (we are here)
5.the bank he got the loan from is on the hook for his bad decisions
6.if they can't pay it back, because autists keep driving the price up, the go bankrupt
7.then the bigger banks are on the hook
8.and so and so forth all the way up to the fed.
9.The federal government of the united states may litterally have to print money to buy gamestop stock from a bunch of NEETS.

>this is how you low IQ faggots actually think

What happens when a company owes billions to shareholders, who gets money from other MF's who owe billions, who get money from other MF's who owe billions, etc etc... ? Where does the money come from? What happens when nobody can pay?

But wait, it gets worse...

What is the only thing keeping the American economy alive right now? There are 2 things. Stimulus, and the stock market.

What happens when the stock market goes to shit and millions of people lose their 401k, their pensions, their savings, everything? Who trusts the USD now? What makes that stimulus worth something anymore?

CBDC's will be here within the year.

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