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>> No.58670020 [View]
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Hedgies on ledgies.

You hate when I say this because it's true, it's pre-ordained.

Your deaths will be glorious. Rest assured I'll have a front row seat.

>> No.58654136 [View]
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Back with more misinformation lol.

>> No.58646040 [View]
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Just look at any of Doug Cifu's posts, these "people," are classless disgusting fucks.

And they're going to get what's coming to them. very very soon.

>> No.58604744 [View]
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The fact DFV made this fuck wait in standby for nearly an hour was such a chad move.

>> No.58598928 [View]
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Wow that makes so much sense.

You do know RC doesn't take any money from running Gamestop right? you fuckers are so slow.

>> No.58561331 [View]
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We can buy publix.

>> No.58547483 [View]
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We're about to rocket so fucking hard, and that's only the first set of thrusters.

The fake and gay market is breaking.

>> No.58503623 [View]
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I'm sorry most of you got sidelined but the good news is that you will still make it with just GME.

You're just not going to wagmi nearly as hard, but as we all know digits lose all meaning after a certain threshold anyway.

>> No.58501283 [View]
File: 243 KB, 462x515, b0728f3c2c2d9b28378fb415833314c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oof I told the truth, sorry.

I'll be doing a lot more of that

>> No.58492961 [View]
File: 243 KB, 462x515, b0728f3c2c2d9b28378fb415833314c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hedgie pump and dump? no thanks.

Plenty of GME tho!

>> No.57837254 [DELETED]  [View]
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I'm gonna be rich from this, GME and crypto.

What a time to be alive.

>> No.57212361 [View]
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If tritton actually is facing jail time, that's a win for everyone.

>> No.57173759 [View]
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Also, shares were pulled for a reason :)

Tick tock retards.

>> No.57154793 [View]
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Costs nothing to hold, these shills have to work constantly to try and spread their negativity.

Talk about living rent free, wallstreet can't seem to forget about any of us, the pressure must be intense.

>> No.57124422 [View]
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dumb fucking retard, I'll have you know that sixth street is the only one in this play that matters at all. KEK

>> No.57123469 [View]
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FBI are a buncha cock suckers, just look at their history with Hoover.

>> No.57088644 [View]
File: 243 KB, 462x515, b0728f3c2c2d9b28378fb415833314c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hedgies on ledgies!

>> No.57031375 [View]
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I told you shills to bewarre.

>> No.56773724 [View]
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It always amuses me when melties act like they are doing nothing wrong or that the law is going to continue to ignore hedgies and their blatant crimes.

Newsflash, the jig is up, we know that they know that they are fucked, blockchain is the future these shenanigans are on their way out.

Rico is gonna be a motherfucker, to act like law enforcement agencies don't also severely dislike these hedgefucks is truly delusional.

>> No.56595343 [View]
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When jail for these fucks.

>> No.56528298 [View]
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Hedgies on ledgies, looking through these recent court documents it really seems like some of these assholes are about to get hit with a Rico.

mark tritton I'd be very scared if I were you right now.

Maybe just maybe they are sick of their shit too?

>> No.56442754 [View]
File: 243 KB, 462x515, b0728f3c2c2d9b28378fb415833314c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Called Fidelity again a few more times, got a joker response this time trying to tell me my shares were sold, there's no record of a sell. Further inquiry lead to a hang up.

Call again, got the broker restructuring response. These assholes can't get their stories straight. I'm keeping logs of everything to use in court if it comes to that.

741, mother fuckers. broker liquidation is a real thing and I think these assholes are very scared.

>> No.53712757 [View]
File: 243 KB, 462x515, b0728f3c2c2d9b28378fb415833314c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I hate that fake lain poster.

>> No.53606371 [View]
File: 243 KB, 462x515, b0728f3c2c2d9b28378fb415833314c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every shill in here is missing a key piece of INFo,, These shares being offered are private not public, we are heading to an M&A.

Keep fucking shorting and distorting tho, your time is just about up. There's a reason all this crazyness happened on a day Citadel had a fire break out, they can hear that music but they don't want to face it.

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