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>> No.30164326 [View]
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Indeed, i can, Hoo-mon.

>> No.30150642 [View]
File: 442 KB, 1081x1235, 1611271641408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you would just accept my nice downpayment, Odo, on your new investigatory tools... you would see that quarks is a friend to the station security.
I would never do anything ill-legal.

>> No.29020361 [View]
File: 442 KB, 1081x1235, 1611271641408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A general reminder if someone tells you to sell, kindly ask them for evidence against the impending squeeze, and unless that evidence is "The volume was massively up today, Melvin covered the shorts completely, the stock rose to high hell and is now at 2 dollars", you just need to ignore them and buy more GME.
If there is no squeeze, there would not be /this/ much volatility still to this very moment.
Remember we went above close in the last few moments of aftermarket after being under all day.
The Hedgie menace is freaking out, and every person who talks about "Sticking it to those reddit fags" and "Lolololol look at those fucking bagholders" are just disingenuous apes.
Fuck you fags, no amount of namecalling will make me sell, i'm going to ride this gamble into the ground or the heavens, and your hate for me fuels the fires of my damnation or ascension.
Your move, melvin.
Rule of Acquisition 101
Profit Trumps Emotion

>> No.28646226 [View]
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Keep it up anon, Gamburu that we will end up on top.
The only arguments people have are Strawmen and various other logical fallacies to try and demean the argument.
The Lobes know a good chance when they feel one, Hooman.

>> No.28279699 [View]
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It don't matter if yours is real or not.
They effectively created PHANTOM SHARES they have to pay for regardless. People bought up all of their shorted shares, essentially.

It's not about how well GME functioned, it's about how WELL it functions for the task it is being used for, IE: Wallstreet gang wars.

>> No.28077556 [View]
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>Not taking every cent from every race in equal percentage to their wealth.
Sorry bro.
Ferengi Rule of Acquisition 101, Profit Trumps Emotion.
Take your race theory back to college and shove it up your ass. A nigger gets taken to court if he steals, as does a beaner or your rich ass.
You break the law on my dime i'll make you pay out the nose, and turn a profit, no matter how small. Because Profit is King.
But please, seethe more, Hooman. It pleases me.

>> No.27838146 [View]
File: 442 KB, 1081x1235, 1611271641408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove it.
You faggots have been saying for /DAYS/:
"It's gonna hit 0 tomorrow"
"It's crashing"
"You wasted your investments"
BUT, it's not done those things, it keeps going down, then MASSIVE spikes up for what it is, then it is STRANGLED back down. IT's not huge bumps down, it's SPIKES up and strangle down.
So, kindly unkindly go fuck yourselves. This is over when it's over and all predictions to how it's going to end is nothing more than jewish speculation.
My LOBES are fucking pulsing and i feel latinum from this investment.
My lobes have never been wrong before.

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