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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.50340595 [View]
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I just hate the culture around web dev, specifically front-end
>filled with bootcampers, pajeets, and literal retards who "learned to code"
>literally anyone can do it (low skill)
>feels extremely unstable because of increasing low-code/no-code solutions
>new flavor of the month framework constantly being shilled
>completely broken interviewing process

Front-end web dev is the equivalent of manual labor, you're being paid to do shit other people don't want to do, not that other people can't do. The reason the salaries are so high are because the positions are gatekept by HR who ask irrelevant questions (leetcode & low level questions), but their jobs don't require nearly that much knowledge. If they stop doing this positions will be flooded and salaries will go down the shitter.

You also have essentially every CEO in existence trying to get rid of these jobs because of how expensive and useless they are. These guys are a dime a dozen and companies know this, you're essentially a glorified contractor unless you're working at a FAGMAN company. However, front-end is where all the diversity hires go, so you'll be working with troons and other low IQ morons who Google needs to fill its diversity quota.

It's just annoying and not really a good field to get into if you have a CS degree. If you actually hold a bachelors or higher in CS you can certainly do a lot more interesting and complex work than front-end. If your work is complex it normally means better job security and higher salary in the long run.

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