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>> No.13399725 [View]
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>> No.13399336 [View]
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I 'm trying diversify. Right now I have 168k locked in real estate, at 9% gross ROI per annum + building a crypto portfolio DCAing 500 € per month)
Next projects: I'm setting roughly 1.2k per month. 500 go towards a next real estate investment, 500 into crypto. I want to branch out in something new. Here's the idea,

>inb4 buthurt pol, it implies doing business with Muslims

Muslims buy live sheeps which they kill themselves for Aid. Friend of mine has a few sheep (we both live in town but come from the country side) got chatting with the Arab dude from his convenience store. Sells him 2 sheep for 80€ each every year. The guy told him Muslims are desperate for sheep when ramadan ends, they buy for 200€/piece. They're city dwellers and have no connections.

My parents have land which they're ok for me to use. My dad cared for sheep with my grandfather, who had ~100 heads. Knows the drill, everything from health to food to insemination. I'll be the finvestor+sales. I'll put down the money for the fence, the vet, whatever and I'll get the clients in town. My father will take care of the sheeps.

All in all I'm looking at ~200€ initial investment (fence, i'm getting 2 couples for free)+200-300 in vet costs mostly per year for a dozen heads, roping in somewhere between 1 and 2k, split with my father
Pretty decent return for a small amount+ added benefit of it being a father and son thing, I'll enjoy doing it with him, and he's over the moon to transmit what he himself learned from my grandfather

Anyone else with ideas to monetize being in the city with county roots? On ROI alone, this sheep gig beats everything else despite the quaint image

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