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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.56152689 [View]
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What the FUCK just happened

>> No.55990292 [View]
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So people who are buying here at the top… how nervous are you?

>> No.55731568 [View]
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Why doesn’t TradingView list the national credit rating in the fucking economic calendar?!

>> No.55504114 [View]
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>> No.55092093 [View]
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>> No.54919921 [View]
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Has he ever contributed anything at all? Once? Ever?
Why talk to him then? Better off arguing with Bob, at least I learn shit when I argue with him. This niglet has zero reason to be itt

>> No.54465040 [View]
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Testing load data is the key to consistent and reliable ammo loading. Helps to keep training and target practicing. If you can't hit 13/13 in the pocket with a head full of mushrooms after a 60 hour coke binge then yngmi anon
The way you practice is the way you're gonna play

>> No.51179647 [View]
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>> No.25006150 [View]
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>actual musician
Musicians are söi as fuck. Whenever I meet some faggot who describes himself as a musician, or god forbid starts playing some shitty guitar at a party, I go out of my way to shit on them. Just really immature bullying for immature musician faggots desperately clinging onto your teenage delusions of rockstardom. I'll slap the back of your head, knock the drink out of your hand, even pick you up and place you in the corner for a timeout if I see you trying to impress a girl. I've done this multiple times and only once has one of you worms ever tried to talk back. I smashed the guys guitar and knocked out two of his teeth, he quicjly learnt his place.
You're not fooling anybody with this tough guy act you little faggot, grow up and face reality. You have no talent, you have no future, you should have learnt a real skill, you will never be famous.

>> No.23471367 [View]
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You smooth brains I use it as meme revers fud

>> No.20579397 [View]
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>> No.20488202 [View]
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Ou wow after 2 years he understands

>> No.20318026 [View]
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wtf is going on

>> No.19714982 [View]
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I'm 33 what is this

>> No.17444846 [View]
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>> No.16814412 [View]
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Imagine the sag

>> No.16669439 [View]
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If you have to ask.......

>> No.15443777 [View]
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>not caring if he gets his blood sucked out by (((vampires)))
>not having the primary defense weapon, silver

>> No.12755594 [View]
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>I have no idea which of the multiple btcs will moon

>> No.10107331 [View]
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>> No.8858234 [View]
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Privatization is not good in fields and sectors that always gravitate towards natural monopolies due to game theory.

Therefor sectors that are subject to the natural monopoly phenomenon should ALWAYS be government owned if you want to maintain pure capitalism. Otherwise the "pure capitalism" will slowly decay to corporatism/cronyism which will reduce profitability in the long term as it disrupts the free market.

I don't expect you to understand anything what I say though, but that doesn't matter. I'm writing this post for the people that actually have some brain cells and want to know the objective reason for why total privatization of the market is bad for the free market.

>> No.8751338 [View]
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I will graduate with a useless degree in 2020. I’m receiving a gift of $15k this week. What should I do with it?

>> No.8585787 [View]
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You realize that it actually IS good for the economy right?

More workers means more producitivity means a higher GDP which due to economies of scale means lower cost of goods and services which in turn means your personal life is in a better position.

I personally don't give a fuck about politics. I only give a fuck about profitability and having the best life as possible. Cheaper labor/goods/services give me and humanity as a whole the best life and therefor I support this notion.

If enslaving all women led to a better economy I would have supported that instead. But it doesn't so I don't.

>> No.8563382 [View]
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>He didn't FOMO into REQ for the long term prospect of them becoming the leader of accounting now that they are partnered with the biggest accounting firm

Glad /biz/ is filled with brainlets. More cheap REQ for me to buy every month.

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