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>> No.51603302 [View]
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not the anon you're responding to... but I agree with you about most of what you wrote, with one exception: it's pointless and masochistic to fight for a better tomorrow in favor of women when most of them have shown just how wretched and corruptible they are at their core. and no, absolving them of all responsibility doesn't cut it. sure, they're easily corruptible children at heart, but most of them have no problem with wielding their sexuality against the very men who are supposed to be protecting them. they're treasonous, conniving, and self-serving, without any loyalty, and will turn on a dime in whichever direction the wind is blowing. this degenerate clown world has stripped the veil from their faces and the masks have come off...I agree that there's good women out there, but they're a tiny minority of the female population, most of which is little better than mindless animals who are content to shit test and psychologically abuse any male that's sitting lower on the hierarchy totem than them.

even if you were to get Hitler 2.0, would you want to bust your back for the whores of modernity? fight and die in wars so they could sit at home and fuck the survivors of said wars, regardless of which side comes out on top? female nature is disgusting, and they lack even the tiny spark of nobility and honor that men hold. yes the men are cucked today, but women are at their very being a million times worse, and no amount of societal pressure can or will change the face they're treacherous fifth columns just waiting for an excuse to fuck everything up.

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