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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.22123873 [View]
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>> No.19731785 [View]
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>> No.16085916 [View]
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im about to get liquidated, fuck u asuka i believed in u

>> No.15427434 [View]
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that fat fucking sergay bro

>> No.14931871 [View]
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that fat fucking sergay

>> No.14788138 [View]
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>> No.13483364 [View]
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mainnet round the corner

>> No.13272693 [View]
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dropped by 100 bucks! AHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.13015769 [View]
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>> No.11651403 [View]
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>not having money to buy ink for pink wojack
Do it over.

>> No.11500588 [View]
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Be me
>Want to work in finance
>Realizes work weeks are 80 hours on average.

>> No.6741362 [View]
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This is the only good nujak. Anything else, besides the classic, is fucking garbage and belongs on Reddit.

>> No.4879544 [View]
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Why do altcoins that are supposed to benefit from the bitcoin rise also crash with the rest of the alts? SALT and BNB are two examples of this.

>> No.4821955 [View]
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same here man.
It's been 30 hours now and my ETH is not in my wallet yet.
fucking JUSTed by virtual cats

>> No.4782184 [View]
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>> No.4712913 [View]
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>> No.4693155 [View]
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omg you also figured out u cant cash out? omg.

>> No.4601364 [View]
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>> No.4584605 [View]
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Coinbase not letting me sell, wttttttttttttffffffffffffffff!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.4432645 [View]
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>> No.4229583 [View]
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It was the last semester before graduation. But I saw my crypto gains. I had no need for a college degree. I had my friend, Neil, who for all intents and purposes was my King Midas. Every investment he touched would go up and up and up.

I quit the rowing team. I began to do more and more drugs. Neil on the other had, could handle his drugs well, like he wasn't taking them at all. He'd put on sunglasses and seem completely normal. He was also looking less thin - I could see him getting in shape as I lost muscle and got dark circles under my eyes.

There's be days where I'd stay awake for 72+ hours, popping pills and drinking coffee. Once, when Neil wasn't around, I made some bad choices and lost 1/4 of our crypto gains.

When he found out, he didn't seem angry. He just said, c'mon, let's go to the gym.

So we went to the gym. The whole time he was getting really close to me. I could see how toned he was through his shirt - it was almost transparent. He was benching more than I could. My muscles, on the other hand, kept twitching. I was out of shape, I even was beginning to get a beer gut.

Afterwards, we hit the showers. I'd never done that with Neil. His body was like a statue. It was like a dream, lost in the steam with him. It was late and nobody else was there. He got close to me under the running water. Our lips met. I felt something stir inside me, something deep down I'd never felt before. It was like electricity.

But I fought it. I buried it. I told him no, and pushed him away. He looked me straight in the eyes, as if thinking for a second, and turned and left.

When I got back to the dorm I noticed my computer was gone. So were my suits, and my watches. It was all gone. The $500 cologne my parents had specially made for me... gone. Everything.

I went to the library computers, and checked my crypto. It had also been stolen.

There was one final twist of the knife.

>> No.3572810 [View]
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>> No.3557729 [View]
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/biz/ has ruined my life.

I was a "wagecuck" once. Every day I went in to work a little part of me dried up and died. I wasted all my spare time on twitter and youtube. I even had my own channel with a couple dozen faithful viewers.

One day I was restocking shelves t my job and somebody recognized me. It was the dead of winter, and a man came in from the snowstorm. He wore a charcoal suit under a long black overcoat. As he reached for a bottle of wine I saw the most beautiful looking watch I'd ever seen. He noticed this.

"You like it? I bought it just yesterday. It was once somebody's family heirloom, but it's mine now."

I nodded and tried to keep eye contact. But he just had this aura to him. I mumbled and looked at my feet. It was at that point that he said he knew my channel, and complimented me on my video editing. He said his name was Neil. He gave me a card, and said to email him for a tip.

"Oh, I don't do it for cash, I do it for the love of gaming" I told him, embarasssed. I wasn't looking for charity.

"It's not cash," he said, "it's better. You think US Dollars got me this watch? You think US Dollars got me this suit? You'd be wrong. So long as you're stuck on the dollar, you'll be here. You can save all you want, make every wise decision, get a raise every few years... and you'll still be here, in this fluorescent hell, with soft rock playing quietly as these corporate bloodsuckers drain your life from you. But there is another way." He pointed to his card, winked at me.

"Never stop posting those videos. You've got a real talent, I won't see it go to waste."

Later on I did email him. He sent me some instructions on how to set up a bitcoin wallet. And from that point on, every time I created a video, I received a small tip in cryptocurrency.

I wish I could go back and burn that card. Shred it. Throw it out the window on the drive home. It was the beginning of the end for me.

>> No.3504441 [View]
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/biz/ has ruined my life.

I was never good at math, or writing, or sports. There was only one thing I had: the ability to turn money into more money.
Growing up I mowed every lawn in my neighborhood and saved every penny. I sold soda cans from my locker in high school. I've never been too sharp or anything but I put my nose to the grindstone and worked to get into college with a full ride.

I always had part time jobs in retail, and never had much time for a social life. Half a year ago I was a kissless virgin, who spent his weekends working or sleeping or browsing 4chan. I rarely drank and never did any drugs. You wouldn't notice me in a room - the wallpaper probably had more charisma then I did. But I had a lot saved. I had a future, even if I didn't have much of a present.

But one chance meeting changed all that.

For once in my life, I was at a party. My dorm-mate was celebrating his birthday and invited me out of pity. One guest took an interest in me. He seemed out of place at a college party - he looked like he stepped out of a fashion magazine. When he got close to talk to you the smell of his cologne would hit your nose - it was intoxicating, and expensive. Let's call my friend "Neil".

We got talking about business, and Neil's eyes lit up. He told me he had a once in a lifetime opportunity, but he needed the capital to start it. The way he talked was hypnotizing - I was immediately sold. I volunteered to help him on his little business venture.

The business was cryptocurrency.

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