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>> No.20035278 [View]
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Craig wins

>> No.17922210 [View]
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did i get scammed?

>> No.17010862 [View]
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kek history does seem to repeat in odd ways huh

Also I've noticed comparing Craig to Trump makes the blockstream shills seethe extra hard. They know the optics are bad for them. We win, they lose.

>> No.16967585 [View]
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>> No.16853618 [View]
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This can't be happening again. I must be dreaming

>> No.16796069 [View]
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I'm okay with that, proceed.

>> No.16725686 [View]
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>Craig is just like Dobal Trump guys!!! XD
Yes, and if you don't like it, STIFF!

>> No.16355045 [View]
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All your base are belong to us.

>> No.16354976 [View]
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Except it's all organic just like Trump posting, and we are going to win in crypto just like we won in politics in 2016.

You know it to be true, but it kills you inside to admit it.

>> No.16337224 [View]
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They are all Freemasons on the same side, but creating a narrative of opposition and confusion in attempt to get people to think for themselves. There will only be one Phoenix/BitCoin. The masses will refute that, but that's the way it's going to be. BitCoin was meant to be forked twice. The Freemasons follow doctrines similar to that of Luciferiansim. Lucifer and Satan are NOT the same individual. I don't know why the fuck people think they are the same. Lucifer teaches that enlightenment and immortality can be achieved through HARD WORK. Freemasons think nothing should be handed to you freely or out of charity - that doesn't help one grow and it causes an individual to become reliant on others to survive. To sum it up: if you can't think for yourself or not put in the work to see what has been given as clues in the open for everyone to see, you don't deserve success and wealth; you are a parasite. If CSW signed a transaction with Satoshi's keys right now, everyone in crypto would flood to BSV and wouldn't have to actually study or learn about the things he's teaching. There will be a moment when all crypto's will go to zero while BitCoin shoots up to a price that is unfordable - then SN will reveal himself, but it won't matter BitCoin will have already won. You all have been participating in a perfectly orchestrated psy-op, but have failed miserably.

Tip: BitCoin is the only thing in existence that can prevent/solve the world debt crisis of $250 trillion that is impossible to pay back. Debt is not just debt, it carries great value. Without the debt, the world would not have the current GDP. That $250 trillion can't just be 'deleted' into no existence. It always has to exist, but the debt jubilee will be forgiven and all that debt will be put onto BSV - as the banks and elite want to get paid back that debt, and they will by buying up all the BitCoin cheap, creating the foundation for BSV to become the Phoenix & world currency.

>> No.16272590 [View]
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Whichever country can freely manage BitCoin and the most powerful AI, will control the world until the end of the world. The banking/economic system is due for it's 140 year upgrade. There won't be collapse in the countries that matter - like US, China, EU, Japan, South Korea, Canada etc.. All the leaders know there can't be a collapse, or else that's the end of everything. No one would survive and it would be like Book of Eli or Mad Max type shit. It's difficult for people to comprehend, but the whole global economy will by put on top of BitCoin. Every single thing that has value, will be measured in BitCoin. It will be 1984. All the leaders in the world know it is their bait & switch for a world government. Trump is pumping the economy like crazy because all the value will be put on BitCoin eventually. Lots of 3rd world countries re going to be thrown in the fire. There is nothing they can do. They don't have the resources catch up to the 1st world. It's sad, but you are essentially seeing a foreshadow of the breakaway civilizations that will operate on BitCoin and release ungodly technology that we never thought was possible. This has always been the plan and can only happen with BSV.

>> No.16262182 [View]
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To control the world, you first need to reset the financial system without crashing it. It wouldn't be easy for a while, but we don't need the rest of the world. The rest of the world needs us. There's no way in hell there will be WW3 - people will deny it, but the US would literally win WW3 if it was the US against the rest of the world. All countries know this - especially Russia and China. The NWO is and always was intended to rise out of the US with US gaining even more global domination. All the bullshit about America collapsing is wishful thinking, but the American empire is just getting started. By the end of 2024 all illegals and criminals will 'disappear'. There isn't a single fucking thing that can be done now to stop the US, which is why we are hated by everyone now. Sucks to be non-American.

>> No.16184789 [View]
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Do you actually think this is effective FUD? Calling the coin lead by the most anglo looking chad I've ever seen an Indian.

It would be kinda funny if it wasn't so sad.

>> No.15991036 [View]
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Dilate tranny.

>> No.15970665 [View]
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>> No.15943085 [View]
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I bet you're voting for Bernie

>> No.15927311 [View]
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BSV winning has the same likelihood as Trump winning 2020 in a landslide.

Which is a 100% certainty.

Stay poor.

>> No.15923131 [View]
File: 148 KB, 1000x1000, 9151AFDA-4274-41D0-BB0F-7A0A58E9FD08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump will get re-elected and Craig will get 500,000 bitcoins to crush this market and then sign the satoshi keys after dumping his btc have a stiff life faggots

>> No.15912926 [View]
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All part of the show. Countless retards think BitCoin was created to destroy banks and the state. It's the opposite, but the powers that be needed a scheme to get all the retards to accept it and make BitCoin more relevant.

BitCoin v.01 was set in stone. Then it needed to grow and gain attention. BSV is the return to the v.01. Set in stone + gradual relevancy = world currency. Do you think the elites want you or myself to get filthy rich? Fuck no, but they can't stop it in the way BitCoin was introduced to the world. So, the past 10 years have been an act to confuse the fuck out of people - to minimize the amount of people that will join the elite. After Genesis upgrade and block cap removal - it will sky rocket overnight and absorb every other crypto - making it impossible for the average person to own even a fraction of a BitCoin. People need to understand that all these people are in on the act and narrative - including CSW, Jihan Wu, Roger Ver, Adam Back, Peter Todd, Fluffy Pony, Charlie Lee, Brian Armstrong, Brock Pierce, Tone Vays, Winklevoss twins, Barry Silbert, Vitalik, Dan Laramir, Mike Hearn, John McAfee, etc.. All on the same side of the perfect narrative. It's all a show.

>> No.15847066 [View]
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Are people really stupid enough to think that Bitcoin in it's final form would actually benefit civilization? It'll be total fucking tyranny. They aren't even trying to hide it anymore or be enigmatic. She wrote this article the day before BSV split and became a coin. Our world has become too fucking much.


>> No.15833641 [View]
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>> No.15626480 [View]
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They're going to flip the switch Jan 3rd.

>> No.15588445 [View]
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Soon, very soon.

>> No.15579921 [View]
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Calm before the storm.

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