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>> No.58690204 [View]
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epic beatdown of this jew that keeps bashing bitcoin by some high iq spanish economist (enable subtitles)


>> No.57826980 [View]
File: 1.01 MB, 1049x673, usa spain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are full

>> No.57445419 [View]
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>> No.57208201 [View]
File: 1.01 MB, 1049x673, usa spain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im from spain and have 400k which I saved from when i was making money online. Now I make 0. Live with mom and are a frugal monk. My goal is to 3x this somehow and live off an ETF that pays 3.5% divvies on this money. Perhaps going all in on a BTC dip when ETFtards face reality. Perhaps add in some miner stocks for more retarded leveraged gambling. Should be enough to rent a place and have enough left to reinvest some on the fund to grow the bag a bit over time. 1 million after taxes would be that 35k a year, which again after taxes from divvies, would be like what 28k a year, that's 2.3k a month. It's dogshit compared to the 15k a month I was doing, but should be enough. It really sucks. I was on my way to live like a king, but good things never last I guess. Im mid 30s and have no job experience because its all so tiresome. I also cannot be brainwashed into the workforce after having experienced what it is to escape the matrix.

Escorts are legal, but for how long? gay ass politicians will turn it into a hellhole like burgerland of the free where they put in you in jail. So by the time you make it you will not be able to touch a hot girl or drive a cool car that makes a cool noise. All fun things will be gone. The system is rigged against the average male that tries to lifehack himself out of the rat race.

>> No.57199053 [View]
File: 1.01 MB, 1049x673, usa spain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world went to trash when Spain stopped being #1

>> No.56665430 [View]
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Is this how you cope?

>> No.55386307 [View]
File: 1.01 MB, 1049x673, usa spain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a 2x away from never having to worry about money ever again.

If I turn my 400.000€ into 800.000€, that's a pretty decent salary in Spain, I would just withdraw 3.5% yearly from the SP500 and im done with the rat race.

The question: What non retarded gamble could 2x within the next 2 o 3 years?

-TSLA: The propietary supercharger thing that they are selling, Supertruck, and all that is a nice hype, but Elon is so unstable. What would happen to the stuck if he died?

-BTC: If it fails to deliver on halving hype, people may dump it. Also, putting 400k in an exchange is a Problem. Banks will hate that.

-NVDA: AI hype is cool, but priced in for the time being, too pumped.

There has to be a way. I've concluded there's more risk in wagecucking for another 20 years to get to 800.000€ than clicking some buttons and doing a 2x.

inb4 jeetcoins

>> No.55236622 [View]
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MSCI is already 50% USA. Going all in on USA long term is fucking retarded. Buffet is biased to do so and you are buying. It's awesome performance of the last decade is a mix of lowest ever interest rates + FAANGM bubble.

>> No.55049227 [View]
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>> No.54415490 [View]
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fat dumboid

>> No.54412637 [View]
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Not a burgre, but in an attempt to lecture tards in here: The fact that BRICS will never be relevant on the world stage is simple: They cannot reach a world reserve currency because China (the only relevant one) is ran by a commie dictatorship (just like Russia, but nobody cares about Russia other than extracting commodities). The reason is simple: Nobody wants to hold their money on accounting done by a dictatorship in 2023. Everything is rigged. Inb4 retards blame the US dollar on being fake too. No, this is next level fakery. This is a fully closed source code you are putting your money into, with no third party analysis. And the only way to change this would be to do the opposite of what the Chinese regime does, which will not happen.

>> No.54313459 [View]
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>a commie dictatorship has less chance of confiscation of any assets than US
10 yuans have been deposited in your account

>> No.54005294 [View]
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Russia will collapse before the US does so we still have time to enjoy SP500 gains.

>> No.53287930 [View]
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>the eternal burger posts as he strikes "I have been found out"

>> No.52663472 [View]
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>work moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
fatmericans on suicide watch

>> No.52629268 [View]
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the real Empire knew what was up

>> No.52385006 [View]
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fuk chinks and burgers

>> No.50550438 [View]
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>> No.50101422 [View]
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>> No.50081795 [View]
File: 1.01 MB, 1049x673, usaeu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weekly mutt sperg about 'new' EU regulations
>most of it already implemented years ago on country level
>no impact at all
>mutts will keep sperging while getting buttraped by IRS

ITT mutts project as if the worst EU nightmare is even close to US regulation

>> No.50033934 [View]
File: 1.01 MB, 1049x673, usaeu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god this slave culture only exists in America and not here in Europe

>> No.49877615 [View]
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The few I alts I still own are now worth more at a btc price of around 21k, than they were when btc was around 30k.
Explain this.

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