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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.54682976 [View]
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>> No.51176692 [View]
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>> No.17407618 [View]
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>always quiet and get on with work
>never gossiping and never getting involved in dramas
>no friends, just work and home
>some cunts decide to start bullying
>have bad anxiety so cuck out, take the bullying whilst working, keeping my head down
>time passes, same shit
>one day this bitch is being a bitch again
>feel different
>tell her to fuck off to her face
>she is visibly pissed, says she is going to tell boss
>literally say go on then cunt, fuck off.
>get officed
>boss literally can't believe it because I'm such a nice hard working person
>time passes and they still bully and I just call them cunts to the point that a lot of people are against me, even the boss now and they make me do literally shit work that doesn't even need doing and never gets done but so because they can
>had one opportunity to push this cunt into this machinery that had a high chance of killing her or at the very least 100% of crippling her
>thought long and hard on if going to prison would be worth it
>decided being a neet would be more fun
I quit. Currently have €10k in the bank. When I quit in December I had €13k. I'm thinking of spending €50-100 on crypto and seeing how it goes. I won't be finding a job soon but I should. I live alone and don't have anyone to bail me out if I become homeless. If I do become homeless with nothing left to lose, I will go back to my old jobs car park and fucking murder that cunt on a Friday as she's on her way home looking forward to the weekend.

>> No.17161253 [View]
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>listened to the bears
>sitting on $25,000 in fiat
>every day the dip feels less and less likely

>> No.16082704 [View]
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I am so depressed guys

Been waiting for link to moon for two years

Even if I become a millionaire in 2020 maybe it's too late

I'll be 30 by then and I've wasted my twenties

>> No.11884503 [View]
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What is kek trying to tell us? Why keep us alive? Only to prolong our suffering?

>> No.11880635 [View]
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Mama, just killed a man

>> No.11187145 [View]
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My biggest regret in life is buying meme coins.

>> No.9866201 [View]
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I'd argue that having a product does harm to the potential speculative overhead other coins have. You can rationalize the cost model of REQ and then you realize that nobody uses it and then you lose faith. :(

>> No.9631845 [View]
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I-it's over, /biz/. I dropped my bags. Unlike most of you, I came late to the party in the form of a "Bought the Dip"™ moment back in February. Thought I was smart getting in around $9.5k but I guess not; took a pretty big loss as a result. Don't be like me - sell now while you're still in the green.

>> No.9554800 [View]
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>tfw it finally dawns on you that all the "good news" in the crypto space and high EOY price predictions being made by "real" investors on CNBC, etc. was bait designed by WS fat cats and crypto whales to fuck you and people like you over
>tfw you finally realize it's unironically over

>> No.9510498 [View]
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Which countries are worst for creating crypto?

I would say UK. All coins I have seen with a team based in UK all have exit scammed or are fucking incompetent.

Even worse than chinkcoins coz at least i have 2 coins from them that made good gainz.

>> No.9383662 [View]
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>> No.9281657 [View]
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>only made 600k from crypto

>> No.9223524 [View]
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I just want a girl I can relate to, is it that hard?

>> No.8842441 [View]
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link breaking 5000 sats before i had a chance to buy any at a decent price. i was so close to buying some at 4200 a few days ago now i only have 1100. do i buy now with $600 or wait for a dip or should i just kill myself? i'm seriously considering it i have not enjoyed this existence for many years and the terror of death now a little less

>> No.8634240 [View]
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Can hackers steal your Bitcoin with the wallet address alone?

>> No.6689393 [View]
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Is anyone making any gains using TA and buying during the downtrend? I see guys still buying high and selling low but how do you know whats high and whats low?

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