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>> No.15761664 [View]
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>Social technology hasn't evolved yet to use communications technology to synthesize effective new communities.
Is this something urbit will solve?

>> No.14003273 [View]
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It honestly takes weeks if not months to wrap your head around, not even sure if I totally get it which is part of why I shitpost about it to hear from autists who are smarter than me. If it were any other project that was so hard to explain from the get-go, you wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. In this case, the story is a little different when you recognize it as the brainchild of Curtis Yarvin aka Mencius Moldbug. There's a lot of moving parts to explain, but one they started with was essentially the idea of Urbit as your own "personal server." Right now we've ended up with most content/data on the internet silo'd into one of 5 companies because we're not all Linux Admin's that can serve our own data. Urbit will change that so anyone can serve their own data, and by extension, protect it and share it willingly. This is my favorite podcast about it with Yarvin, whole thing is good but specifically I am talking about approx. 23 minutes in: https://soundcloud.com/arthurfalls/the-ether-review-46-smoking-dmt-with-mencius-moldbug.. Essentially a ton of the modern problems with computing can be traced to the fact that our computing architecture, codebase, etc. was developed in the 70's and we have been building makeshift structures on top of it ever since. Consider Urbit to be computing that is made for the year 2050 instead of 1970. The goal is to create an ecosystem of self-sovereign feudal communities on the net instead of our current power structure. They are trying to recreate the experience of Usenet in the 80's which was self-moderated and didn't pester you with ads or data mine you.
Here are some good essays they put out recently:

>> No.13099512 [View]
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Kek I remember you from that thread because you were the most retarded poster. Next time actually do some research or just listen to Urbitanon >>13099349

>> No.12992245 [View]
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I hope you're right. I've been following and prices were not as high just a couple months ago in January, or during previous sales. Imo they are still atleast a year away from actual network usage, let alone normie compatibility, so the recent surge in price seems off to me. I watched the livestream in SF and they seemed delighted by a mere 33 people watching live. I'm interested but the opportunity cost of selling my other holdings or spending income on address space does not seem worth it right now. I'm wondering if galaxy/star owners are trying to pump their addresses in the short term. There really isn't enough use on the horizon to warrant this. Long term I still believe it's a potential game changer. We should definitely set up a biz server of high iq [redacted] autists in the future. How do you know galaxy owners are getting impatient? I would assume anyone with a galaxy already has other wealth and revenue streams, and also understands it's a long term play.

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