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>> No.19073921 [View]
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Is it really like this. Should I just pursue my passion even though it might not pay much

>> No.16853652 [View]
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> tfw high school was 15 years ago
> tfw no amount of money will bring me back to this time
I don't even care to make it anymore

>> No.16559602 [View]
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j.. just give me my 200k back, please

>> No.16281095 [View]
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well that's depressing, especially when you consider the demographic future of the US (and Europe for that matter)

>> No.16201113 [View]
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24. Shit job. Shit pay. Never hugged a girl let alone kiss or stick my peepee into one. Also, I refuse used girls and by my age, 100% of females are used up whores. Not interested in dating some young chick either. My life is going nowhere fast. Crypto won't save this. Hopium is poison.
Also, I have been so jaded that I can't connect with people anymore.

How do I short my life? Why not just rope myself?

>> No.16048485 [View]
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Friday btc went up by basically 42%.

I made 500 dollars since I had 3k bought at 8k (obviously havent sold).

This is the power of margin fucking trading.

Had I done a 10x leverage, that would have been .42×30k = 12,600 profit so I could have had 15k worth of btc right now.

It hurts.

>> No.16047239 [View]
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>next year will be the year i make it

>> No.16043163 [View]
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>pump my bags

>> No.16008387 [View]
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>be me
>be worried about usd inflation of 2% a year
>stick my entire networth into btc
>lose 30% in a month

>> No.15998612 [View]
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>could is kill BTC
Good riddance.

>> No.15327755 [View]
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No, student loans and other stupidity. No one to blame but myself.

>> No.15298172 [View]
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hookers, blow and a gun
money can't buy your youth back

>> No.15072408 [View]
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> currently 29
> only 0.4 btc
> 18k saving
> no stable job
> 300€ rent
> no gf
> have spend 12, TWELVE FUCKING years on 4chan

I'm not gonna make it, I know it

>> No.14991960 [View]
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Figure out some of her interests/hobbies that he's not into, then
>"Heyy btw, I have been planning on going to X for a while now, you wanna tag along"
>"Wow, what a coincidence! I was gonna do Y literally this weekend. You wanna tag along by any chance?"
XY being something related to her interests, but innocent enough to be just platonic. If she says yes, you're a go. If not, then try to get her socials and say
>"maybe some other time then, you gotta let me know though"
If not either, then she ain't into you m8. Just keep it casual in front of her man, and don't mention this in front of him. Also natural physical contact, and hug here when you're leaving. You can gauge interest from that so fucking much.

If she really is worth the trouble then do exhaust every option anon, I would know plenty. Godspeed, fren.

>> No.14847856 [View]
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that's pretty cool.
serious question: can I - a 22 yo brainlet become as smart as u? do you have any resources?

>> No.14783834 [View]
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same, soon to be 30, I feel like there's no point in making it anymore
it's just too late

>> No.14650070 [View]
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I can call any swing in any timeframe in any market to the fucking pip....and i can do it manually with nothing other than a simple extension tool.

No, im not gonna share this knowledge because if everybody understood how price distributes the markets would crash.

>> No.14577422 [View]
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bro i'm suicidal from missing this run, you just gave me 24h to live
I don't really believe you but hey I can wait an other 24h

>> No.14363640 [View]
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All newfags coming in after the btc rally report in. Honorable salute to the oldfags and the justed anons that made it through the winter of 2018, we gonna make it frens but are we really out of bear territory yet?

>> No.14331950 [View]
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sound a bit like me except you actually looked into it
I learned about btc on /b/ back in 2009 2010 when peoples were giving it away for dubs,I couldn't not figure out how a fucking wallet worked so I gave up
back then I started working in my business so I really didn't care for years and forgot about it, then I went bankrupt, then depressed then learned that btc was 5 fucking thousand dollars in 2017 and dropped my last 4k in it at 11k
of course it crashed and I promised myself I'll buy the next bottom and here we are ... missed it again but unlike you I don't really have anything to live for

>> No.14278620 [View]
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damn must be nice wining the birth lottery

>> No.13998389 [View]
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Fuck. Something feels wrong. Everyone is waiting for a BTC correction to 6-4k, we saw already 2 dips. "Oh just wait for the dip" I already took profits at 8700. But something is not right this time around, ppl are too confident about this and I have a feeling within me that BTC will just do exact the opposite.

>> No.13925416 [View]
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wow, this board is even poorer than I thought.

I feel bad for you anons :/

>> No.13818951 [View]
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i feel you anon. I desperately want to jack off but can't find a single conference room

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