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>> No.58600452 [View]
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there will be consequences.

>> No.57073952 [View]
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I always go into my alts with full confidence (still holding), but I notice they always have fucking dogshit ass toxic communities fudding them so badly that it has a bad impact on the price long term.


>> No.56416753 [View]
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> People are deluded into thinking the SEC gave up completely against Ripple - they only dropped the charges against the Ripple CEOs, Gary is hellbent on "proving" that XRP is a security
> The treasury department just called for a crackdown on crypto "mixers" but they're deliberately vague about their definition so they're likely talking about privacy coins too, not just Tornado Cash
> Alts are bleeding out horribly against bitcoin, which is never a good sign
> The EU is going fullspeed ahead on CBDC implementation, completely ignoring crypto
> Chainlink's tech gets stolen by the asshole billionaire bankers and they end up using Canton Network instead
> Jerome Powell is absolutely hellbent on hiking rates in perpetuity while happily printing money for the corrupt Washington twats who want infinite military industrial complex kickbacks (this will spell certain disaster)
> If housing market collapses, crypto will get absolutely demolished along with the stock market
> Republicans are permanently divided, which all but guarantees Democrats completely sweep '24 - which guarantees any money making method, not just crypto, will get regulated out of existence

Bros, I'm drooling all over my pillow, shrieking and squealing in fear. I'm crying uncontrollably. WE'RE SO FUCKING SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.56169991 [View]
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I won't write a whole life story here for those with tiny attention span, but here's a summary:
> Go to college, major in CS, "i want to be a game designer bro!"
> Learn a few years into my degree that coding is REALLY fucking hard
> At the same time, learn that game programming requires ultimate mega genius level coding skills, which I knew I would never get considering I've been demoralized by my major already
> Graduated, took 7 months to find a job
> Stayed stupidly loyal to the job for almost 6 years despite the constant exploitation and horrible office politics - this was the real turning point which blackpilled me on "just learn to code bro!"
> Eventually burned out and left my job, couldn't find anything else remotely near my area that paid nearly as much
> Right around this time, this is when the rate hikes started happening and tech industry got absolutely crushed in the ensuing layoffs - this resulted in me not being able to find a job ANYWHERE
> Fast forward to today, 2 years unemployed, I've been totally blackpilled and demoralized about coding and really the tech industry as a whole - TECH IS BY FAR THE WORST INDUSTRY IN AMERICA OUTSIDE OF MEDICAL, WHY DIDN'T ANYONE WARN ME ABOUT THE HYPER-EXPLOITATION, HYPER COMPETITION TO GET JOBS, THE UTTER INCOMPETENCE OF MANAGEMENT, THE COMMUNICATION MISHAPS, ETC ETC ETC?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Yeah, I just rambled above, but the gist of it is that coding took away so many years of my life and left me in a catatonic, utterly depressed state of mind. I DEEPLY regret majoring in CS, so much so that I don't think I can ever recover. Even the money isn't worth it in this sorry ass field.

For those of you around here who keep shilling the coding meme to those questioning their future as "guidance", I have a message for all of you who wish to destroy others' lives:
That's all.

>> No.56047843 [View]
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Couldn't get into any upper education so after school I just started trying to do every job that doesn't require finished degree(front end, graphic design freelance, local restaurants, etc). The most successful was graphic design, however it's pretty much dying rn + AI as a final nail in the coffin, so I don't think I'd be able to continue even if I wanted to. Had thoughts of making my own designer clothes and selling them, but the whole process of buying sewing machine and materials and selling shit as a noname seems more and more like a high risk/low reward situation as I research it further. Year ago I enrolled into meme 'mechatronics' degree in the local applied science university. So far learned absolutely nothing and it seems like uni made this degree as an experiment since they have absolutely no idea what to actually teach there. Have no idea what to do, completely lost. And I'm already in my late 20s so the next thing I will do should be a good call.
Taking into account my background, what would you suggest for me to pursue?
>inb4: rope

>> No.55836047 [View]
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Why didn't I invest in shib early 2021 when I had the chance? Now I'm doomed to post here forever.

>> No.55835034 [View]
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>25 years old
>No degree
>Making 35k a year
>pmg baggie

Is there more to life than just this?

>> No.55812290 [View]
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> 30
> no degree
> make 40k (cad) a year
> pmg baggie

How can I make more money?

>> No.55697904 [View]
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(I wasn't fast enough)

>> No.55597879 [View]
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Inflation is the ultimate weapon to keep the goys in check.

>> No.55584706 [View]
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1. You took out a loan.
2. Pay it back.

>> No.55526097 [View]
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> 30
> full time overnight McD worker
> 40k

>> No.55504491 [View]
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i want to die
the lobby was half full man

>> No.55331484 [View]
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Got humiliated at my burger flipping job today and yelled at by my female manager after absolutely working my ass off

There's got to be another way for me to make money

>> No.55220808 [View]
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>> No.55211086 [View]
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is this really my life

>> No.54753328 [View]
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wageslave like 99% of people.

Homeless exist purposfully to push the wageslaves in their cages, showing them what awaits them if they refuse, as a cautionnary tale.

>> No.54713067 [View]
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play GTA V
>I can't because I've cheap potato

>> No.54701759 [View]
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BAGGIES BTFO!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.54612313 [View]
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Have to work 11 hours tomorrow wtf!

>> No.54107835 [View]
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My temporary job as an assistance teacher ended in February, in which I have been working for a year.

God, I hate to say it but the past month as a neet has been beautiful. When I wanted to jog I went for a morning jog, when I wanted to sit in my garden with a coffee, I was able to.

After the first unemployed week of sleeping till 10 AM, I got disciplined and got up at 7:30 Am and worked on a sidle hustle of mine after a morning job.

For the first time in a long time I had the ability to do absolutely what I want exactly when I wanted.

Currently, I'm trying to save up for a trip around the world in August and will start a new job mechanic tomorrow in which I earn 37CHF per hour, which is not bad. I absolutely dread starting tomorrow, god I miss how much free time I had as a neet.

For me working is most of the time literal hell, not the job in particular but the lifestyle that comes with it (force-feeding, commuting, going to bed early)
My only hope is my 120K crypto portfolio.

23y old living in Switzerland.

>> No.53870053 [View]
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>deposit my last 220 dollars
>3x long BTC
If this doesnt work out I'm not paying my rent. Wish me luck anons.

>> No.53789876 [View]
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