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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.15498470 [View]
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>tired of talking to people
>go to one of my favorite home city bars to quietly relax alone
>dark & cozy with only a few people here -- perfect
>exchange brief customary pleasantries with friend who is tending bar and compliment him on his band -- "ports of spain" -- which is a personal local favorite of mine
>order seltzer & cranberry sans alcohol because of excessive recent drinking
>bartender and other customers are now involved in other things
>left comfortably alone
>begin lurking /biz/ on my phone
>this asian chick pictured above sits down right next to me
>asks what my drink is
>answer with reason
>she continues to talk to me and will not shut up
>tranquility of quiet solitude ruined
>resignedly set aside phone and reciprocate by having long conversation with her about a bunch of shit because she is killing time waiting for her flight back to canadia eh
>eventually get up to leave
>she gets up to leave with me
>she sees free condoms on table next to door
>we both stuff out pockets with free condoms before leaving together
Life is suffering, asian girls are not worthwhile, I almost miss being socially awkward & isolated, being a former virgin who became a chad years ago (but many, many years after high school) can be somewhat of a disappointing burden sometimes.
>link $1k eoy
OP, just disregard females & acquire currency; as soon as you stop giving a fuck about getting laid, what others think, or even yourself, you will begin to drown in gash. Seriously. It's hard to trick yourself into not caring, and bitches can smell fake disregard a mile off. Do this:
>ride public transportation -- subway ideally -- or walk around public places
>find girls you are *not* attracted to
>just smile at them and say "hi"
>if they look at you like a deer in the headlights, you now own their pussy
>just offer to hang out with her as she runs whatever errand she is on and get a meal together
>you will fuck that ugly bitch that night
>use confidence gained

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