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>> No.16549672 [View]
File: 49 KB, 1523x498, wew_lad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The. Fucking. Court. That and you mothers hole, which appears to be have been the source of all manner of retard in the world. tldr, when your financial welfare depends upon that fraudulent cunt winning a court case, better get used to eating spaghetti and the idea of dying in fucking poverty already
and I hope you're a fucking bot. Not even above is so fucking dumb. You can owe plenty of things you don't have, especially when you are an inveterate loser like this cunt - Pic Related for instance. And, this is JUST the start. Spaghetti for the fat clown, served direct to the cell

>> No.16488161 [View]
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>no money
he got paid from nTrust to larp as Satoshi. They were going nuts when he started blowing it all on retard-tier shit, sportcars, etc. No idea how much he's got left (if anything) but, his lawyer(s) should probably start getting nervous already

>> No.16466140 [View]
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its the same courts (and the same bullshit) he already got btfo'd with Ver that he's trying to pull with McCormack. Except, McCormack in-between got backed by the legal spend equivalent of the 1st to 50th fucking cavalry. I ain't even trolling, creg has won 1 (one, count em) court case, ever. And that was only because he was both acting defendant AND plaintiff in that. He's the type of complete fucking arsehole Judges love to shit on. He is lucky he just loses - he meets one Judge on one bad day, hes getting sentenced for contempt. Again. idk what to tell you, but, this cunt is NEVER winning fucking jack before a court. Ever
The Judge didn't 'grant them an appeal' - he applied for one. Because, he loves to lose. He was fucking born to lose. Now, he'll need to ground this 'appeal'. And, guess what ? He'll lose. again and again and again

>> No.16413584 [View]
File: 49 KB, 1523x498, wew_lad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sometime and a dictionary later
made you go look up it tho
>I shall be.. Anyday Now™
hows that libel against McCormack coming along then ? Them staples will have rusted of their own accord, time creg gets that before a court. I understand entirely why he's hiding from that one tho - Moar! Lawyers, losses, expenses, public humiliation -tut tut, eh ?

>> No.16377960 [View]
File: 49 KB, 1523x498, wew_lad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pay denbts creg

>> No.16375483 [View]
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pay denbts, fraud

>> No.16371922 [View]
File: 49 KB, 1523x498, wew_lad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He'd be better off attacking his legal bill. 700 hours at $1k a pop. And that's JUST Iras costs.
And that's JUST pre-trial. Who says, being an arsehole pays

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