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>> No.12746665 [View]
File: 103 KB, 839x399, flask print time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after time and cost of filament you won't have alot of profit

desu the time is the biggest thing with 3d printing. Pic is an example. You can see the time and dimensions. So whatever you're going to create will either need a fast print time or sell the item for a lot. You could print what, two flask a day? It's an example of the size, but what plastic item can you create enough of to actually make some decent profit.

Some crap like this, sure, but you need to really know how to market it to sell enough to make it worth the time. Otherwise dropshipping a cheap plastic thing is probably better and easier. If you have an idea to solve some issue and are involved in the community for it, then it might be worth it. Otherwise I really don't think so.

Also, you need to know how to make stuff in programs like fusion 360. So if you're lazy or can't teach yourself stuff it's pointless. you'll end up on thingiverse printing rockets and vases, like everyone that buys a 3d printer as a hobby seems to do.

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