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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.56798937 [View]
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Once again, I am asking the wonderful hedge fund managers of Wall Street to continue shorting the stock so I can further slurp the dip.

Thank you for your time, please, and thank you. Verification not required.

>> No.56514013 [View]
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I don't give a fuck about your investments, you goofy goober. YOU'RE the one here engaging with us. I couldn't care less about your baby-bitch onions-coin, but please feel free to give me a recommendation, since you're clearly the one-eyed man in the land of the blind :^)

>> No.56482114 [View]
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So it begins. Pathetic little shorties will start coming into our humble Laotian rice-paddy farming forums to demand why we hold this stock so tightly. How can we be so comfy womfy when the whole world is falling apart at the seams? It really activated the almonds.

>> No.56415780 [View]
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Has there ever been an investment as funny as GME? Every time I buy at lower prices, I get a shit-eating grin and have to actively hold back gut busting laughter. I don't get it, but I ain't complaining.

>> No.56407466 [View]
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I got greedy and slurped that delectable dip too early, officer. I've done it before, and I'm afraid I'll do it again. But I've learned my lesson, and I'll only slurp delicious dips once they're timed right.

>> No.56347993 [DELETED]  [View]
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Why are we getting tranny spam all of a sudden, with zero janny intervention, yet I get a 4 day ban for "racism" because I accurately called out a shill for being a cointelpro kike well-poisoner? Do the jannies just love trannies? Do they allow shills to post them to derail discussion about our beloved stock? Yes, I am inclined to think so.

>> No.56333464 [View]
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I’ll just stay in this thread as the board gets carpet bombed by the JIDF.

>> No.56269806 [View]
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So Goldman Sachs and Home Depot made a fucky wucky, and now GME needs to drop 5% on no news, for two days in a row, on the opening weekend of Dumb Money, right after Ryan got appointed as CEO? God gives his silliest battles to his funniest warriors I suppose.

>> No.56261556 [View]
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I'm about to watch a screening of Dumb Money, I figured it's good to be on the up and up about the latest propaganda.

>> No.56244281 [View]
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You all glow in the dark. Aile Baker was here since the beginning, helped keep the comfy vibe going, and NOBODY had a problem with his dedication to the thread. And if he didn't bake the thread in time, someone else did instead, and they used whatever images they felt like using at the time. Anons in the past have posted baker images with the GME logo if they felt like it, it was never a requirement, unlike the great many shitcoin threads out there. We were never trying to bring attention to ourselves, because the GME situation will bring attention all to itself in time, it needs no advertisement. It wasn't until the last month or so as the Dumb Money movie approached that you faggots started bitching about Aile, and you do it because you're paid shills trying to make the GME threads as easily identifiable to malicious outsiders as possible.

The months approaching Q3 and Q4 will be the most gladiatorial these threads, and you fucks damn well know that. I say whomever wishes to bake may do so, as long as they
>sneed hedgies
So go fuck yourselves and the hedgie you rode in on.

>> No.56227276 [View]
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If you're so sure the stock is gonna fail, why don't you short it then?

>> No.56224591 [View]
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Bro, I know the curry levels in these threads have been off the charts these past few weeks, but I’m a holder. Nice avg btw. Not as good as mine but you got a bigger stack. Wagmi.

>> No.56213694 [View]
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>Caring about what image the baker makes for the /gme/ thread
Lol. Lmao. Why would I want the GameStop logo to be on display in /biz/ of all places? Have you considered that not everyone was ment to make it? 95% of the posters on this board kek us anyway, so who fucking cares about what image OUR threads start with? How about the fact that the "baker" can be literally fucking anyone? The baker is typically an Aile fan, so he posts Aile images. I like Honkler, so I post Honkler images because it make you faggots seethe uncontrollably. Anyone sperging over the thread image is a shill trying to disrupt the /comfy/.


Simple as.

>> No.56163801 [View]
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>Investing has evolved from using money to make more money, into using money as a weapon to achieve your political goals and destroy your enemies, where making more money is an afterthought
The future is looking bright boys.

>> No.56151352 [View]
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>unironically sucking the mayo man's shriveled micro-peen
Oh you're so fucked lmao. Hope you're ready to enjoy the rest of your life in the BBC cage.

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