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>> No.16621501 [View]
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Communism hasn't worked and China is a horrible authoritarian state. Why are you assuming however that in order for communism to work in the future, it has to have worked in the past and on the first attempts? How many capitalist states stopped working or are currently not working? Plenty quite clearly. The failures of capitalism, and in addition the death toll of capitalism are always ignored because it's the status quo position, whereas communism is critiqued to the extreme because it's new, radical, and futiristic

I know for a fact that at some point in the future communism will work, because I know for a fact that the production means of subsistence can be almost entirely automated if we put enough effort into doing so, in the spirit of the pursuit of collective intellectual enlightenment rather than individual wealth extraction

Want to know how I know this? Because I've worked on large complexly engineered system, and through engineering methodologies like abstraction and encapsulation, arbitrarily complex control systems can be built, either computational or physical. Thus we can build a nearly fully automated farming and shelter production system, as well as automate healthcare, if we actually put effort into it. We aren't because it's not profitable for the status quo, who, due to their capitalistic nature, think in terms of short term quarterly profits rather than longterm human enlightenment

Don't sit here and tell me humanity can't implement communism, don't sit here and bullshit me on that point, because anyone intelligent and in fact all visionaries throughout history have known it can be done, yet throughout all human endeavors thus far the goal has been thwarted by reactionaries ego obsessed wealth seekers. No more, a communist revolution is coming, and this may sound scary, but it's important for humanity to base its new society upon ethical foundations

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