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>> No.15031988 [View]
File: 132 KB, 817x554, 54176dc2ec16c-Vivante-Sept-Fig1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a loan is not the same thing as a bailout

eh im used to early 00's vehicles as far as dodge repairs is concerned, overzealous Chevy fandom is an easy way to spot basic bitches
but i live in michigan, there are dozens of auto suppliers within 10 miles of my house, so im not to bias (i prefer ford, but ive had more GM/dodge vehicles than i have had ford ones)
besides i know dozens of people who have worked or currently work for any of the big three, so its a moot point

ive heard every story shittalking GM and every story shit talking Ford, in the end 90% is sound and fury signifying nothing, and different generations of various makes and models means that no generalized rule of thumb about any of the car companies is ever true enough to make real world decisions about

that being said, i know quite a few steel workers who are pissed off that ford started using aluminum frames

damn thats nice!
>DICCSLURM btfo yet again

BA is a fantastic (absolutely stellar) defense contractor that has a small problem called their commercial aviation department (the only part of their business that consistently loses money, for some reason...)

>> No.11820406 [View]
File: 119 KB, 817x554, 54176dc2ec16c-Vivante-Sept-Fig1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've always hypothesized that Intel or some other chipmaker has their A-game and actual cutting edge stuff going on completely black.
technology has been like that since before recorded history

new tech is made for military force
military force has monopoly for a decade (or century)
eventually this new tech becomes familiar with enough "average" people that it is let out for general public uses
by this point military force already has an edge on the new tech that will make everything before it obsolete

if you want to be on the cutting edge of technology, you basically have to be working in/for the military
if not, and you create new field on your own, then military will use it's legitimacy of force to "acquire" your new tech, and pay you out the ass until they understand it as much as you do

i think boston dynamics recently got sold off, and maybe shut down (a few of google's side business have been shut down recently, including all research of bipedal rescue robots)

>>I have no idea how CUDA became an exception to this rule.
could it be because of how workstations are different from gaming PC's?
comparing workstation to gaming PC is like comparing a semitruck to a sports car

sure one is faster, but a sportscar cant carry a large heavy load like a truck can

also workstations are CPU intesnive tasks, while Gaming and such PC's are GPU intensive

i cant find the image I have saved the illustrates the difference better, its late and I need to get to sleep so I can wake up in 1.5 hours

>> No.11541880 [View]
File: 119 KB, 817x554, 54176dc2ec16c-Vivante-Sept-Fig1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll just pick every horse in the race. How can I lose?
in a zero sum game that is a losing strategy (well neutral)

thankfully stock trading is not a zero sum game

>>says the moron

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