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>> No.55038814 [View]
File: 1.58 MB, 1136x854, 1655682125877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roland for good luck & joy.

>> No.51587150 [View]
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>> No.50163622 [View]
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Hey anon, yeah they get archived rather quickly, because it is easier to doompost and name-call rather than try and better oneself and life around one. I reckon we can easily be on the right path with a shift in consciousness.

Grand to hear you are in the farming realms; what fulfilling and highly necessary skills one can learn and there is probably nothing more cozy than a self-sustained and honest life. I wish you all the very best, my friend.

>> No.50131041 [View]
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I think this is being way too defeatist. Truly, we live in a wondersome "simulation/game/play" and we choose our path every day. We are much more powerful than we think or are lead to beLIEve.


checked, fellow duckposter
I agree that we need to change our minds and ethics first before we can move into a realm of post-scarcity effectively. "Representative demoCRAZY" leads to personal abdication of responsibility and a disempowerment of the invidvidual, which only strengthens sociopathic cults in power.

It truly is a complex and lengthy conundrum. In a practical sense, I reckon everyone individually would do well to find out for themselves what their path is in this life and follow it, even if it may seem strange or scary.
This may allow each of us to come closer to living out our own full potential, level up our skill tree in the best way, so to speak.

Further, any sociological system requires participants and complex systems are neither inherently stable nor predictable. I think a deeper comprehension of everyone individually working out their own path and how it can fit in with a more just and joyful society is a powerful catalyst. The knowledge is there, the will can be cultivated.
All the best, my friend.

>> No.50107909 [View]
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A very good point and I like the game analogy, for it is precisely one. Coalition and mutual respect are important tools to aid those who feel alone, weak and powerless. Ultimately it is by our choice and implicit consent that we allow ourselves to be cogs in a machine grinding the human spirit and the natural world asunder. This need not be so.

I agree and am an anarchist at heart (not a fan of "-isms" but this one is the most accurate and only morally defendable). Something on a council-level and with for example bitcoin or straight barter for trading is the most optimal way of interaction from my ponderings.

I think 'enlightenment' occured many moons ago and indeed via the aid of psilocybe mushrooms as well as the seminars of Alan Watts and Terence McKenna (to be found on the youtube) as well as an upbringing of respect for all life and always wondering and questioning. I highly suggest the aforementioned tools for journeying deeper, ideally 1-3g of dried mushrooms in a calm setting in nature. All the best. friend.

>> No.49828949 [View]
File: 1.58 MB, 1136x854, don't care.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SBF is bailing out crypto, and this was it!?
I did slurp ofc, but for the love of god I was promised a global recession and a complete fucking meltdown! WHERE IS MY MELTDOWN!?

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