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>> No.59473656 [View]
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>> No.55637541 [View]
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>relapsed and started day trading again
how are you holding up /biz/?

>> No.50532319 [View]
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audio engineer

>> No.50532296 [DELETED]  [View]
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audio engineer

>> No.50508008 [View]
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I wouldn't call anons my friends, but I feel like I can only be honest on here. Outside of 4chan everyone thinks I'm leading a successful life, in reality I'm a complete schizo who has managed to fail upwards at every given opportunity. Only with anons can I be truly free. Anons might call me out on being a schizo, but I don't mind, it's actually refreshing in a way.

Checked the sadness dubs. I hope you can make irl friends anon

>> No.50460579 [View]
File: 107 KB, 1280x842, Wojak in Bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think people get caught up in the question of "What is the point of life?" and get a sort of tunnel vision, where they don't see the meanings of things or how those meanings come to be anymore. Let's look at something else, what is the point of spoon? You might say the point of a spoon is to scoop things up and that it's an "objective" meaning of the spoon. But if everyone decided that they're never going to use a spoon to scoop things up with it, it would lose its "objective" meaning. Similarly I would say life has an "objective" meaning which is simply living, but it can also have a subjective meaning, meaning that you yourself decide to give to it. I guess that seems like an imperfect answer, and that's simply because I, just like you, am a schizo without his meds, trying to make sense of this world.
Either way, try to live a good life and meaning will come to your life on its own. Seriously, get a hobby, get good friends and enjoy good art and you will find yourself no longer asking "What is the point of life?"

>> No.50211271 [View]
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>Team "Leads" make 55 to 60k a year.

>They dont have to take phone calls, or do any real work. If a problem arises, they basically read a list of who to funnel the problem and ticket number to.

>They're supposed to be creating and editing KBA articles, fielding questions to other teams and their team leads on process, analyzing our ticketing system statistics, and keep track of outages

>My personal lead goes into a meeting every morning for an hour or two. Basically a fuck around "status" call, where he says maybe 4 words on average: "here" and "nothing to report"

>He spends the rest of the day doing nothing aside from fucking around on youtube.

>If we have a problem we're supposed to call them. They almost never answer, and when they do they have no answers aside from "Did you check the KBA?". We end up figuring out our problems ourselves, or just letting shit fall through the floor.

>Ive cut how much I do in half, and no one cares. I've seen other people get away with doing NO work for months on end.

I actually feel kinda bad about not working hard, but then it's obvious no one else does, including my "superiors", so fuck it. It's a good thing internal IT is basically mindless cog work. Easy to justify shafting this company.

>> No.30273739 [View]
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no i think ill just keep digging a deeper hole and continue to buy more

>> No.27517933 [View]
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I crumbled and cut my losses while I could. Originally bought a chunk of GME at $300, but I just sold them all at $105.

Don't get me wrong - I'll forever regret it if the stock DOES moon, but I just couldn't help feeling like it was over. The stock was dropping way too low and even if this WAS fucking over billionaires, there's always gonna be some bullshit way for them to cheat the law and come out on top. It's just not possible for the everyday guy to win when he's up against people who can pay their way out of any legal matters. I'll save what little I can from this wreck and call it a day. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

>> No.27360182 [View]
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I want to buy in so bad but Fidelity never approved bank

>> No.17926985 [View]
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i truly hate myself for it. it's a slow torture and you have no control over it.

>> No.17836854 [View]
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so much for that

>> No.17639100 [View]
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so far, a handful.
in a month, several thousands.
by summer, millions.

i know, it's hard to grasp exponential growth.

>> No.16889273 [View]
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nice gf

>> No.16775084 [View]
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I started the future authoring from Peterson's website (self authoring).
My future "dream" like life goals would have a huge impact on humanity, but parts of it have a very low chance of success and require decades of my time.
Am I crazy and deluded ?
These goals feel like a too heavy burden for only one human being, but I can't stop thinking that it may not be completely out of reach.

>> No.15785824 [View]
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>> No.15637726 [View]
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Seriously tho frens. Wen and what?

>> No.15514546 [View]
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No women for quiet/introverted guys with no social media presence....except for escorts....very low quality ones at that.

>> No.15447249 [View]
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How you holding up, biz?

>> No.15239569 [View]
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Fuck that sounds sweet, how hard/easy is it to actually get a job like that? I have no previous real job experience (Traded Crypto and stocks for the past year, sold and still sell drugs, and used to run scams before), but I'm fluent in 2 languages and learning a 3rd, and I'm quite well spoken and adjusted if need be, could I score a gig like that (Berlin, btw)? Also studying in Uni at the moment


>> No.15146449 [View]
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4chan is full of low IQ losers. Socialism is popular in this crowd.

>> No.15027635 [View]
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>very faintly starting to bald
>don't have the same energy I did a year and a half ago
>struggle to get my dick hard and keep it hard most the time
>don't even enjoy sex anymore, too tiresome and not worth the trouble
>lungs of a mine worker and liver of a gulag slav
>everything is starting to ache and hurt
>don't even enjoy my passions anymore
>can visibly see all my dreams and aspirations fade away right before me
>and most annoyingly I can't -or more so won't- do anything about it

I hope it's just a phase

>> No.14568807 [View]
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It's really surreal to see how similar they are in some places. They've got threads exactly like you'd see on /r9k/ and such, like "do men really have emotions."
I also think it's incredibly sad that there are sites full of men who want girlfriends and women who want boyfriends, and they're both too autistic to ever really find each other.

>> No.14477664 [View]
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>really get into XBT in 2016 when it was still worthless in retrospect
>had about $1.5k in savings, all made within 3 months running degenerate scams with degenerate friends
>contemplated buying 2 XBT for about a $1k
>bought a used phone, used MIDI keyboard, and a trunk-full of liqour and tobacco and partied for about 3 weekends instead
>"im investing into my future, watch me be a bigman on stage by next year"
>didn't get on stage
>didn't even make any music
>matter of fact, i haven't even taken the keyboard out the box

My $1k investment could've cashed me $40k, would still cash me about $22k today
So I'm moving out the country to pursue an actual degree and work up the ladder and above the hoops to actually be something in my industry of choice, although I still only have about $4k, enough to last me half a year.
I'm finally giving in into meme money, putting $3k into various currencies and praying. So:
>best cryptocurrency trading platform/service?
>best memecoin to make it?

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