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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.50346801 [View]
File: 32 KB, 509x411, 35BFEE51-7C4B-4276-88CA-3C1B1DCB4CFD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I’m quite /fit can do pull-ups like a champ, and do one armed pull ups, and the flagstaff maneuver I’m actually quite old. Sure fit as fuck. But old. The mil will take a young fat fuck that I can run circles around before they take me.

>> No.49511815 [View]
File: 32 KB, 509x411, F7A3EF52-49FE-4C89-86A3-F2C244FD3024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what do about the bandwidth consumption? So for the whole month or so I’ve had a full node, I haven’t had port 18080 open and it’s because, I didn’t even know what a port was(still don’t) and was just following guides and shit on internet how to open it since monerod kept telling me to open it to allow “connections”. Family members have got PISSED at me cuz their TV’s stopped working. Yea… I didn’t know that would happen. When I was first downloading the node I would limit the bandwidth and just downloaded it slow as fuck because no rush. Didn’t have any money to buy more monero with anyway. Yea we have minimal bandwidth on our internet because… we don’t game online or any of that shit. But I figured mining and just having your node running didn’t take bandwidth? Just CPU abs hard disk space? From what I’m reading.. when I opened 18080 it allowed fellow monero users to connect to my node? Is this a good thing to do I mean obviously it helps the network or something allowing more nodes to interconnect. But I’m a newbie. Should I just allow ONE connection to occur? I don’t know what command to use to limit it. But I guess since I’m new, I can’t really afford to let my node get connected to by tons of strangers. My first reason for doing it was so that I could selfishly use the node just for my own security and safety so that I wouldn’t have to wait 2 hours to see a transaction show up in my wallet, and because well… they told me online your own node is just better for privacy. Sorry to be slefish

>> No.49424394 [View]
File: 32 KB, 509x411, 2B01A90B-8713-400B-B734-DD43B85CFDF3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So guys.. how important is it to use TOR/i2p with your node? I’ve been trying to figure this shit out for over a week. I have tor on my computer, i2p, then I got a “non gui” version of i2p called i2p-zero. The instructions on the monero website don’t seem to work for jack shit. When I run the i2p-zero it just freezes at “i2p tunnels are ready” and when I type the next command in the instructions I read on monero website, nothing happens. I tried booting up monerod by going
>./monerod —tx-proxy “tx-proxy=tor,,16”

All it does is start to boot then says “I deinitializing core… I Stopping cryptonote protocol… I cryptonote protocol stopped successfully” then in deep red letters says: E Exception in main! Failed to initialize p2p server. It all boots up and runs perfect when I just type ./monerod with terminal opened from directory. Seems hopeless now. I’m lost using this whole Ubuntu shit. I got a node. That’s secure enough right? I’d prefer to be fucking bulletproof but it just won’t work.

>> No.49273037 [View]
File: 32 KB, 509x411, 3262EBD5-E4CC-4BF8-90A8-EC48D88F5E00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any anons smart about using tor? So I am trying to run my full node thru tor. I finally figured out how to do monerod thru command line. But I’m struggling to get the node to run thru tor. I open the directory that monerod is in, and type ./monerod —tx-proxy but it just gives me “E exception in main! Failed to initialize p2p server.” I look at a bunch of instructions on monero website and shit to make it work. Tells me to go into directory and modify a bunch of shit. I downloaded TOR one time via command line. And it tells me on monero website to modify a file called etc/torrc or something. That directory doesn’t exist. But I did find a blank torrc file browsing around. Put in the hidden services and ports on the blank file. Changes nothing. Following the instructions on getmonero.org, I am stopped at the point where you type “sudo systemctl status tor@default.service” because the program in command line stops at “end” but when I click out of program it says it’s still running? Did it even do anything. When I type “sudo cat /var/lib/tor/monero-service/hostname” it says directory doesn’t exist. I use Ubuntu. For some reason my directory’s for all my programs become a mess for no reason. I’m an old fucking boomer. Used windows till a few months ago.

>> No.17639446 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 33 KB, 509x411, D1361C09-D733-4149-B901-7B721E6B0949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dumb ass thought link would literally moon at the end of 2017

>> No.17616359 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 33 KB, 509x411, BDEE6176-D1EE-4D62-819B-4166AFFCC941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re sending me to death row bros

>> No.13075700 [View]
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god damn, drunkanon must be hammered tonight

>> No.12332091 [View]
File: 33 KB, 509x411, 1532588693944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your /biz/ account is 9 years old

>> No.11863488 [View]
File: 33 KB, 509x411, 1536708032520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else is disappointed about their parents financial decisions?
I recently talked to them about investing and starting a business and I found out that they are basically consumer NPCs.
Although I'm thankful for everything they've provided me growing up, it's kind of a bummer knowing that they don't own any real assets in the age of 50+.
Anyone having similar thoughts?

>> No.5237134 [View]
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>> No.4952901 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 33 KB, 509x411, 1502904655469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

missed out again

>> No.3607719 [View]
File: 33 KB, 509x411, 1502904655469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every damn time..

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