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>> No.27511336 [View]
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Term "gem" is used too frequently these days...people call every shittoken a GEM...gems are very, very rare to find in real life. PNDs are not GEMS. Meme coins are NOT gems. DeFi is kind of old news. Gem is a token or coin made on new tech- on something never seen before. So, to sum it up- gem is a coin which offers some technology which is new- a new mechanism. Consider yourselves lucky for stumbling across this post, because I have a REAL gem to offer to you. The name of this ground-fucking-breaking tech is Idena. It uses complex under the hood mechanisms to secure it's own blockchain, that mechanism is called PoP or proof of personhood. It guarantees a 1 node= 1 person. You may ask yourself why is it important? Who gives a fuck about that? PoP makes DAO possible, it's great for oracles use, it can allow sharding (thousands of transactions per second), digital ID card that proves that you are you, smart contracts, decentralized messaging platform- all of this without a single bit of personal information given to anyone and in 100% decentralized manner. Market cap of Idena at this very moment is 3.56MM. This one, I promise you, will make you laugh at your LINK gains. Right this very moment, there is one, unique opportunity in your life that will probably not come ever again, and that opportunity is buying a multi-billion coin at 0.1 USD per coin. I cannot even cap the potential gains.....even 100 USD/iDNA looks possible..that is 1000x gains. Idena is a sleeping behemoth, get on it while it's sleeping. As a cherry on top, a lot of early BTC and ETH adopters are aware of it, you can bet they are buying. You can come into Idena TG channel and ask for sources, they will be sent you :)). By the way, I apologize for that pic, I wanted to draw your attention. Have a nice day, hope we will meet on moon some day ;)

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