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>> No.28271533 [View]
File: 54 KB, 500x281, 1610319142861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the fuckin last thread hit bump limit I'm going to repost this fucking shit ass dd I made.

>5g/chips/drone/ tech meme play
>stock shrugging off recent 1:3 split like it was nothing
>Purchased a fuckhuge manufacturing facility in arizona...somethng something "made in america" labels and shit
>deal with rfeq with COMSovreign DragonWave-X subsidiary to supply a bunch of tier-1 networks in mexico for their mobile backhaul infrastructure for 5g and traditional 4g networks
>Acquisition of Fastback Networks: Since its founding in 2010, Fastback has been a leader in the development and commercialization of its intelligent backhaul radio systems that deliver high-performance wireless connectivity to virtually any location including those challenged by Non-Line of Sight limitations.
>Designed a system using tethered drones as rapid response airborne LTE networks; popup LTE antennas due to outages in infrastructure, like if antifa wants to blow up a cell tower or something.
>VEO Photonics, another subsidiary, has been granted a patent on a new technology where a 400Gb transceiver can be delivered with half the power of existing units, dramatically increasing total capacity while reducing the high costs currently associated with transmission and cooling of large data centers and telecommunication backbones.
>more shit but I'm too lazy to continue

DRONES. CHIPS. 5G. BATTERIES. But fuck weed, weed stocks can fuck off. If they sold electric cars this stock would be a perfect pick for 2021. 4 out of 5 buzzwords is good enough for me. Since its a low cap stock, expect spikes. But I'm looking to accumulate in around $5. $5.50 is my upper limit. These guys seem to want to be a powerhouse in 5g networks in the US and beanerland, though I may be wrong. I like the company, throw 5k from your tfsa into it.

>> No.28271026 [View]
File: 54 KB, 500x281, 1610319142861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5g/chips/drone/ tech meme play
>stock shrugging off recent 1:3 split like it was nothing
>Purchased a fuckhuge manufacturing facility in arizona...somethng something "made in america" labels and shit
>deal with rfeq with COMSovreign DragonWave-X subsidiary to supply a bunch of tier-1 networks in mexico for their mobile backhaul infrastructure
>Acquisition of Fastback Networks: Since its founding in 2010, Fastback has been a leader in the development and commercialization of its intelligent backhaul radio systems that deliver high-performance wireless connectivity to virtually any location including those challenged by Non-Line of Sight limitations.
>Designed a system using tethered drones as rapid response airborne LTE networks; popup LTE antennas due to outages in infrastructure, like if antifa wants to blow up a cell tower or something.
>more shit but I'm too lazy to continue

DRONES. CHIPS. 5G. BATTERIES. If they sold weed and made electric cars this stock would be a perfect pick for 2021. 4 out of six is good enough for me. Since its a memestock, expect spikes. But I'm looking to accoumulate in around $5. $5.50 is my upper limit. Spicy stock....maybe.

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