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>> No.19760659 [DELETED]  [View]
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guys should i fap before date? we are not going to fuck but i think i could think more rationally and not just squeeze her tits all the time if i empty my balls before

>> No.13297843 [View]
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yes, anon. you're not alone.

i hodled all the trough bull run 2017 to here. yes i was 30000% up but i didnt sell.

atleast we got the feeling out of it. love the feeling when you make 300$ in seconds. of course i didn't capitalize it so they were just imaginary numbers on the screen.

>> No.12776119 [View]
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>> No.12218613 [View]
File: 68 KB, 800x600, RcNFZvU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we will never make it
>we will never be rich
>we will never see link moon
>we will never see our dreams come true

>> No.12199504 [View]
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I wish I and a bigger dick, friends, gf and not a virgin tho

>> No.12036060 [View]
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That was beautiful, anon. I guess we can all waste away together.

>> No.11856889 [View]
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Crypto will never be used over USD in the US. It just isn't happening.

>> No.11853834 [View]
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I'm not in the mood anymore, linkies.

>> No.11349058 [View]
File: 57 KB, 800x600, RcNFZvU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw traps and degenerates will make it with link while you are still down 90% from hodling since January.

>> No.11236748 [View]
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>drifting off to sleep
>briefly remember the girl who broke my heart all those years ago
>it was the same summer I heard about bitcoin first and didn't go all in on it
>can't sleep now

>> No.10462307 [View]
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once I make it, I swear to god I will post these fucking memes every day.

>> No.9167884 [View]
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Should I buy HST?

>> No.9053162 [View]
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First off, to keep this /biz/ related, should I go all in HST or PBL? Ok now seriously:

>be me, junior in college
>be fucking a qt freshman for a few weeks
>went through a phase of being intensely into her, thought she was gf material
>last night she comes over and we fuck a few times, but I wasn't even enjoying the sex (first time I felt like this)
>so bored of her and everything she said pissed me off, her whole presence revolted me
>inner sperg autist comes out and start being weird to mess with her and even said some mean things
>completely ruin the vibe
>sorta kick her out (she had other plans anyways, but I made her leave earlier than originally planned so i could go chill with my bros)
>she leaves clearly on bad terms, we dont hug or kiss before separating like we always did before
>later feel guilty
>friends convince me to send her an apology
> i send her a very short apology, just saying I was in a bad mood and took it out on her or something like that
>she still hasn't answered (been 24 hours)

What do I do from here /biz/? I honestly don't like her emotionally but I regret burning that bridge, like I would def fuck her again sometimes if I had the option. Is it worth trying to hit her up again or should I just move on? Part of me knows that is the right option but desu im a little lonely and rarely have regular hook ups, almost exclusively do one night stands. It would be nice to have a regular girl and now I can't stop thinking about the whole situation since my sperging out was so unnecessary

Sorry for the blog, y'all are my bros though and I don't want to talk about this to ppl in real life cuz its sorta pathetic

>> No.8516751 [View]
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how do I analyze this advanced science

what happens when we hit 9k

>> No.8370150 [View]
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