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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.28556437 [View]
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Pure delusion

>> No.26710654 [View]
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What's pissing me off is how the media is jumping on this like reddit and 4chan are the only ones doing this kind of thing. Completely ignoring why this was even possible in the first place.

I think Saagar Enjeti is the only tv guy to side with us and go "Yeah fuck hedge funds and networks asking the SEC to get involved because they lost a wild bet."

>> No.26586807 [View]
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>mfw missed my chance to get in on the GME train

Fuck you, fuck all you sons of bitches, I'm so fucking jealous.

>> No.26586263 [View]
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>mfw missed my chance to get in on the GME train

Fuck you, fuck all you sons of bitches, I'm so fucking jealous.

>> No.16815357 [View]
File: 580 KB, 480x360, angry moth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hm i really dont see a robot capable of replacing pipes in all the random situations the real world requires

uh, i totally see AI being able to assist lawyers in looking up old cases and cross-referencing things to such a degree that one lawyers can do the work of 10 today, meaning there will be much less jobs in that field in the future

>> No.16764488 [View]
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87% of the fires are man made and completely unrelated to climate change though
>in before tim hurr-durr, as if that makes it not true
it's important to know the truth and not just blame everything on climate change. even if we had solved all climate change issues today australia would still be burning

>> No.10032930 [View]
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never trust a women at work
>my female chef is on vacation
>im all done with my stuff and my shift was over
>female coworker is not done with her stuff and i ask if i can help her out
>"no anon :), it's fine you wouldn't be able to help me with this stuff anyways because you're still new here"
>come back to work next week and my chef is back
>"anon why didn't you help your coworker out?"
i didn't tell her a excuse and took the blame but this is just one of my experiences with female coworkers
you can't trust them

>> No.10019480 [View]
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What gets me is that they drop millions of dollars on capital expenditures like real estate and equipment without blinking an eye, but then freak the fuck out over employees making a few thousand dollars a year extra.

>> No.1620956 [View]
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pussy nigga

>> No.1598292 [View]
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So it's YOUR fault for the dip!

>> No.810323 [View]
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Okay /biz/, I've never been to this board before so bear with me please. Shit is just getting too real for me all of a sudden.

>ME in my senior year of college
>Now I'm forming an LLC with my friends, an EE and a CSE
>The Product is almost entirely electrical and coding
>I'm expected to handle everything physical about the production
>School hasn't taught me shit all about how to design a case correctly
>Hell, I don't think school has actually taught me anything other than how to apply idealized formulas
>How the fuck am I supposed to know how to get them mass produced and blow molded?
>I'm not prepared for this shit and I'm freaking out now

Is Donald Trump right? Do I just fake it till I make it?

>> No.392259 [DELETED]  [View]
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Hello /biz/

I would like some advise... I am young(19) and pretty fresh out of school. I have a plan for the future but it can not be done for a few more years. I am trying to work as much as I can and get as much money as possible in a short amount of time.

That being said, I don't have a lot of money to my name and I would like to invest what I can and hopefully save a good amount.

What would a good strategy be? I don't have a lot but I have 0 debt and I normally save like a jew. Would it be worth getting into stocks or should I just put what I can into savings?

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