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>> No.56817045 [View]
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Variable staking means early stakes get like 2 Links every day.

That pretty fucking BASED. How come no one talking about this. that a free 28 stinks you don't have to work for within the next 7 days.

>> No.56408807 [View]
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What more financially feasible marrying a girl from my old country or marrying one here in the west.

I notice that there is no Bride Price in the united states BUT the existence of student loans act as a quasi bride price and many money are 30k-40k in the red, meanwhile a girl from back home is about the same price if not $10k-20k lower.

>> No.55534792 [View]
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been seeing testnet poomp ~1-2k tps a few times over the past week, is something coming online soon?

>> No.52507847 [View]
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your first post was calling someone retarded for buying
to claim that there will never be another bullrun ever is to claim that crypto is dead and inevitably going to zero
Now after all the implosions and black swan events crypto still seems to be holding up around the ATH levels in 2017,
$500B mcap doesn't seem dead to me
go back to gargling peter schiffs golden nutsack or something
Glad you're more concerned of what I do with my money than I a, very thoughtful anoni

>> No.51422874 [View]
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The second question doesn't say whether the 5 machines are operating in series as a production line, or independently producing a widget each.
Obviously they want me to say 5 minutes, but it's a poorly worded question.

>> No.50161807 [View]
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What's the most dreadful possibility, that the ones that stole the election banana republic-style are retards with no basic understanding of economics, or that the ones that stole the election banana republic-style are crashing the economy on purpose for holodomor 2.0 ?

>> No.49743986 [View]
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Can someone explain what normies spend their money on?
Recently Tucker Carlson said 45k yearly income is not enough in the current environment.
How much bills do you have for that not to be enough to live?

>> No.49608127 [View]
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The way the VIX stays contained since all this shit started months ago is quite incredible. Worrisome, even.

>> No.29998242 [View]
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GRT pumps, board suddenly gets flooded with fud

>> No.29795610 [View]
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Is Beta Decay/Volatility Drag a meme?

I only see TQQQ and other leverage ETFs doing much better than their underlying

>> No.29726432 [View]
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Are we evil bros?

Before when I was a /pol/ack I would be piss that we are entering war. Now I'm just glad that i'm in Oil cause Papa Biden gon make me some $$$,

>> No.29309720 [View]
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Anyone else expecting a blow off the top. The Highs and low keep getting smaller and smaller.

>> No.29001874 [View]
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>'63, 10 below the bank file
what did he mean by this?

>> No.28802654 [View]
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Wait a minute... isn't everything that good in DeFi pretty much ran by Chainlink?

>> No.28638167 [View]
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so is 10K the suicide stack or is this just demoralization from keeping people to buy?

I don't usually see anyone claiming 10k is a suicide stack posting there wallet or anything.

>> No.26829327 [View]
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Am I retarded? None of these things sound bad in the slightest. Are they painting this as a bad thing? how>?>??

>> No.26650866 [View]
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>enemies can open shorts

>> No.26311364 [View]
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i think i used the word "nigger" a bit too often here recently. i dont want to come across as racist, so i'm gonna chill

>> No.21489838 [View]
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Is there a reason why XRP fags like to fling shit at linkers?

Makes no fucking sense when your coin can't even hit pre-covid levels and the other when been tearing through everything.

>> No.21154624 [View]
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There like no fucking sell pressure on LINK what the fuck?

>> No.20817883 [View]
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so what you're saying... is that $1K LINK is FUD.

>> No.20475389 [View]
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so... def keep buying more LINK? feels like in 48 hours, single digit LINK will be a thing of the past.

>> No.20359162 [View]
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just don't tweet about the stock market again, donnie
you know what happens then...

>> No.20293887 [View]
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am I delusional for thinking LINK can hit $X,XXX or $XX,XXX?

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